Disability Sheffield
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  • Dementia Action Week Call for Stories

    Dementia Action Week Call for Stories

    A leading charity representing people affected by dementia is calling for stories to show the impact of the broken care system on their everyday lives during the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to improve social care policy. The Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Action Week, which takes place 7-23 May, is bringing social care reform back to the top of the agenda saying that the social care system is no longer fit for purpose.

  • Dementia Strategy Survey

    Dementia Strategy Survey

    In order to keep talking to people living with dementia, their families, and supporters the partnership organisations working together to improve the lives of people living with dementia would like to find out how well the Dementia Strategy in Sheffield is meeting needs. If you are affected by dementia please take just a few minutes to answer a few questions in this survey.

  • Dementia Friendly Calendar of Activities .

    Dementia Friendly Calendar of Activities .

    Did you know that since the first lockdown in March last year twenty four new online dementia friendly groups have started up in Sheffield? From Zoom Memory Cafés, to online exercise and Tai Chi Groups, dementia carers sessions and relaxation groups, virtual sessions for women and for men, online singing, creative writing and sporting memories groups – all available in a weekly calendar.

  • New Singing for the Brain Sessions

    New Singing for the Brain Sessions

    A new singing group for people with dementia is starting free online sessions on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2pm starting on Wednesday 13th January , offering a friendly opportunity to sing a variety of well known songs. Singing is known to help stimulate the minds of people with dementia and there will also be a series of fun vocal exercises to improve brain activity and wellbeing.

  • Having a Dementia Friendly Approach this Christmas Time

    Having a Dementia Friendly Approach this Christmas Time

    Some people living with dementia in their lives can find the festive season difficult for a number of reasons. Natasha Wilson, Dementia Advice Sheffield Partnership Officer and Age UK Sheffield’s Wellbeing Centre Lead, has written a blog with advice and ideas about how you can ensure that Christmas is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for a person living with dementia as well as their carers, friends and family.

  • Sheffield’s First Dementia Conversation Event

    Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance is holding its first Dementia Conversation event on Thursday 13 June 2019 from 9.30am to 3pm at St Mary’s Conference Centre, Bramall Lane, Sheffield, S2 4QZ. The event is open to people living with dementia and their families and carers, members of Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance and organisations working in Sheffield to become more dementia friendly.

  • Dementia Volunteers At City Farm and ACCTive about Autism Need Your Vote

    Brothers who set up a community organisation in honour of their mum who died from dementia and a support group for children and young people with autism are in the running for a major award.Both Sheffield projects are in the finals for the People’s Projects ( National Lottery ) and you can vote until Monday April 15th.

  • See The Light At Dementia-Friendly Film Screenings

    The Light Cinema on The Moor in Sheffield is holding special dementia-friendly screenings to ensure that people living with dementia have the opportunity to watch films in adapted environments. There are no adverts or trailers and the lighting will be slightly raised throughout the screening.

  • The People's Projects - Vote now!

    The People’s Project gives you the chance to decide how National Lottery funding can make a difference in your local community.Local organisations competing for funding include the ‘Farm Days Dementia project’ at Heeley City Farm, and the LGBT Sheffield project, ‘Out and About.’ You have until midday on Monday April 30th to cast your vote.

  • All our Brains Exhibition

    An exhibition looking at the effects of dementia not only on patients but the people around them returns to Sheffield at the Art House from February 16 to March 2. Admission is free.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
The service received was rated as:  

Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback