Disability Sheffield
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Blog Archive

  • We are recruiting a Project Co-ordinator for Sheffield Cycling 4 All

    We are wanting to recruit a 2nd full-time project co-ordinator to join our existing project co-ordinator to develop our programme of engagement and activity. You will be helping to create and deliver new small group sessions for people with particular impairments or health conditions, as well as continuing to develop and deliver our popular open cycling sessions that have run for the past few years.The closing date for applications is 8am on Monday 5th August 2019.

  • Continuing Health Care Newsletter

    People receiving Continuing Healthcare ( CHC )in Sheffield are being urged to read and give their views about a new CHC newsletter, which aims to make the process easier to understand, more open and transparent.The newsletter will be published every six months and you can choose to receive it by email or view it online.

  • Love Your Leftovers

    Do you throw much food away? Each year, the UK wastes 5 million tonnes of edible food and drink – enough to fill nine Wembley Stadiums or 4,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. So during this month a campaign has been set up to encourage people to cut down on this. The campaign is entitled Love Your Leftovers and includes a downloadable pack (with handy statistics and resources) and a food waste diary.

  • Plans To Improve Health And Wellbeing

    NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has just released its new five-year strategy aimed at improving the health adn wellbeing of the city’s population. The strategy includes a detailed plan for tackling health inequalities for people in the city who are worst off and have been disproportionately affected by continuing austerity.

  • Jamie In Volunteer Of The Year Nomination

    Congratulations to Jamie Preece, a volunteer at our Sheffield Cycling 4 All project. Jamie has been nominated as one of Britain’s best volunteers – and will soon be attending a prestigious event in the House Of Commons to find out if he is a prizewinner.He is one of the entrants for the NHS Parliamentary Awards, an annual event designed to recognise the best of the National Health Service and those who go above and beyond the call of duty to help people.

  • Arts & Culture Feature Alongside Invictus UK Trials

    As the Invictus UK Trials take over Sheffield’s sporting venues this month there’s a programme of not to be missed, renowned and befitting art and cultural activities also taking place in the city.

  • Healthwatch Sheffield's Annual Report

    Healthwatch Sheffield has engaged and supported more people than ever during 2018/19, according to its annual report.In the last year they heard from 3,270 people who spoke about their experiences of different areas of health and social care. That’s more than double the number that they saw the previous year. They also published 20 reports and briefings based on what they were told including 36 recommendations to providers and commissioners of health and social care.

  • Supported Loving Can Help you Find Love

    “For people with learning disabilities , finding love is often more than just chemistry – it can come down to getting the right support from your staff.” So says Choice Support which is why they have set up the national Supported Loving Network and produced a series of guides on issues around sex and relationships.

  • NHS Sheffield CCG's AGM

    An invitation has gone out from the NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group to attend their Annual General Meeting on Thursday July 11th from 2to 4pm to hear what the CCG has achieved over the past year, its challenges and plans for the future. The theme for this year is discussing your ideas for how to improve the health of the people of Sheffield, by providing more services closer to home.

  • Age Is No Barrier to Helping The Community

    Do you know an older person who makes an amazing contribution to their community in Sheffield? Or a younger person, group or business that makes Sheffield a great place for older people to live in? If so, why don’t you nominate them for the first ever annual Age Friendly Sheffield Awards. Nominations close on July 15th.

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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks