17 August 2021
To support you to have a better conversation with a doctor about your health and wellbeing the NHS has produced this new ‘infographic’ so that you can be ready to talk about your health giving you pointers for before, during and at the end of your appointment. You can also get Doc Ready for a conversation about your mental health.
FULL ARTICLE16 August 2021
Put on a few pounds during lockdown? Now that things are starting to get back to normal following the coronavirus crisis, you may be thinking of ways to stay as healthy as possible. Well Sheffield City Council would like to help you do this and has launched the Better Health Sheffield website with videos, lists of tips and contact details for people and groups who can help you.
FULL ARTICLE16 August 2021
If you are unemployed or receiving benefits and struggle with food costs Bags of Taste can help you to cook healthy meals from scratch to improve your diet and finances. You will get a course ingredients bag and materials, sufficient for 7 meals, delivered free to your home.The next start dates are 6th, 13th & 20th September and courses are run throughout the year.
FULL ARTICLE12 August 2021
Sheffield Flourish is inviting entries for their annual five-day art exhibition in October as part of World Mental Health Day. The theme is ‘urban nature’, and everyone is welcome to submit 2D artwork in any medium – especially people with a lived experience of mental health and those who work in support services, for a display in the Moor Market. The closing date is 31 August.
FULL ARTICLE05 August 2021
The Guide Dogs charity, which offers a wide variety of services for people with sight loss, has set up a new initiative to help visually-impaired children to learn and to become more independent. The Tech For All initiative supplies devices with excellent accessibility features and the organisation is also providing online guides and tutorials.
FULL ARTICLE04 August 2021
Some staff at Chilypep , a youth empowerment charity based in Sheffield ,are training to be CWPs and are now open to referrals for children and young people in Sheffield and Barnsley who may be experiencing low level anxiety or low mood.Chilypep have produced an information Letter for Children and Young People explaining the offer of 6-10 sessions of low intensity CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
FULL ARTICLE04 August 2021
The line-up has been announced for this year’s South Yorkshire Autism Fayre from 12th-14th September 2021, which like last year will be held virtually due to the recent pandemic and health and safety precautions. Among those taking part will be medical and legal experts and ‘kid speakers’ talking of their personal experience of either having autism themselves or having autistic siblings.
FULL ARTICLE04 August 2021
Mulembas d’Africa, Our Mel and Move More Sheffield are offering a FREE 8 Week Self Love development programme tailored for black and mixed African women. RISE is designed to engage, empower and encourage you throughout a series of workshops, including African movement, strength building,yoga and mindful nutrition sessions.The application deadline is Wednesday 18 August
FULL ARTICLE03 August 2021
Are you an adult who has grown up with a disabled brother or sister? Would you like to meet others who just ‘get’ what life as a sibling is like? You’re not alone. The UK charity Sibs has a ‘Sheffield Support Group’ that currently meets online.If you’re a parent Sibs also has information and tips for supporting young siblings with feelings, attention, and understanding disability or additional needs.
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