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Tips For Maintaining Better Health

Tips For Maintaining Better Health

Put on a few pounds during lockdown? Now that things are starting to get back to normal following the coronavirus crisis, you may be thinking of ways to stay as healthy as possible.

Well Sheffield City Council would like to help you do this and have launched the Better Health Sheffield website.

It contains advice to help you lose weight, get active and boost your mood, try swapping high calorie food for healthier foods, quit smoking or switch to vaping. There are videos, lists of tips and contact details for people and groups who can help you.

This campaign is particularly focused on Black Asian and Ethnic Minority communities, aged over 40 who are more likely to be at increased risk of Covid due to engaging more in unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. These behaviours lead to increased risk of underlying health conditions, which are more prevalent in some of these population groups. The campaign is inclusive and has been developed locally with the support of the BAME Public Health inequalities group.

Better Health Sheffield believes there’s never been a better time to take control of your health and feel better.


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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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