Disability Sheffield
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Blog Archive

  • Accessible Information Standard Review

    Accessible Information Standard Review

    Disability Rights UK is among a group of disability and accessibility organisations who have written a letter to NHS England to express disappointment at the lack of progress in reviewing the legally-binding Accessible Information Standard, saying people’s health and wellbeing have been put at direct risk from not receiving information in a way they can understand.

  • Ignite Your Creative Spirit Through Volunteering

    Ignite Your Creative Spirit Through Volunteering

    Are you feeling creative and also want to help others? Do you want to develop your skills or experiences? Or meet new people?Ignite Imaginations have partnered with Voluntary Action Sheffield and 23 other arts and community organisations (hosts) to make it easy for you to find a broad range of exciting opportunities to volunteer in creative and community organisations.

  • Cold Weather Tips

    Cold Weather Tips

    Wintry weather is back with a vengeance in the Sheffield area at the moment so the Winter is not over yet and there may be more to come. We hope you stay safe and as warm as possible. Here’s a round up of information to help – if you’ve any tips to further useful links please let us know in the comments box and please check on vulnerable friends and neighbours if you can.

  • Cost of Living Versus Cost of Care

    Cost of Living Versus Cost of Care

    Thousands of people with disabilities and long-term illnesses are now in debt after being unable to pay for social care amid rising food and rent prices, according to new research by the BBC. Disability Sheffield’s Advocacy service is seeing more and more people they work with turning down the care they require because they cannot afford the contributions.

  • We Speak, You Listen

    We Speak, You Listen

    Disability Sheffield’s learning disability and Autism group, Sheffield Voices, is holding their next ‘We Speak You Listen’ event at Hillsborough Arena on 17th March from 10am-2pm including lunch (provided).This month we will be creating drama, art and stories around the learning disability communities experiences in the Covid pandemic and discussing our human rights, all with a tie in to the red nose day event around the same theme.

  • Get Involved in Community Information

    Get Involved in Community Information

    You may have noticed that the Sheffield Directory, Sheffield City Council’s community information website, has changed recently and some pages are ‘under construction’. Their information team is looking for local people who can help them to improve the content of the website – whether that’s information that’s missing, details that are wrong or out-of-date, or ideas for ways the website can help people to take part in their community and help each other.

  • Just Say Yes

    Just Say Yes

    Interested in improving your digital skills? Leonard Cheshire’s YES Course is for young adults (16+) with a disability. The sessions will start at 10.30am and finish at 12pm every Thursday, beginning on the 16th March 2023.and will take place on Zoom for four weeks. Register now and you might get a free tablet.

  • All Age Autism Strategy Consultation

    All Age Autism Strategy Consultation

    The Autism Partnership Board is inviting your views on their draft All Age Autism Strategy for Sheffield. You can give your views on the strategy by completing an online survey or attend a feedback session on 28 Feb or 1 March. The consultation runs until 24 March 2023

  • Sheffield Adventure Film Festival - Access all Areas

    Sheffield Adventure Film Festival - Access all Areas

    Sheffield Adventure Film Festival (ShAFF) will screen selected sessions in accessible formats for d/Deaf and blind/partially sighted audiences at the Showroom Cinema from the 3-5th March. This is on top of the level access provision at the Showroom.

  • City's Clean Air Zone

    City's Clean Air Zone

    The Sheffield Clean Air Zone is in place from Monday February 27, aimed at improving the city’s air quality.This is a class C chargeable zone for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), light goods vehicles (LGVs), vans, buses, coaches and taxis that drive within the inner ring road and city centre. Private cars and motorbikes will not be charged. Hackney Carriages don’t have any CAZ charges until June.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks