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  • It's not Time to Relax - It's Not over Yet

    It's not Time to Relax - It's Not over Yet

    Greg Fell, Director of Public Health at Sheffield City Council, explains the importance of continuing to follow the official guidance, after the latest relaxation of lockdown restrictions, to avoid a second wave of infection. People with learning disabilities can also ‘spread the news’ with Easy Read information from Speakup.

  • A Special Thank you to all our Volunteers

    A Special Thank you to all our Volunteers

    Volunteer’s Week ( 1 – 7 June ) is an annual celebration of the good work done by volunteers across the country. It’s an especial reminder to us all this year to take the time to say thank you to the millions of volunteers who have come forward during the Coronavirus outbreak to give their time to help and support vulnerable people in their community. The work we do at Disability Sheffield would not be possible without our valued volunteers who help us to deliver our services – answering information enquiries, providing advocacy support, writing about news and events , providing IT support, serving on the Disability Hub Committee, helping with admin, answering the phones, supporting Sheffield Cycling 4 All and Sheffield Voices learning disability group, filming videos, the list is getting longer ! During the past few months you’ve continued to support us from your homes while you are shielding and we cannot thank you enough.

  • Mixed and Confusing Messages for 'Vulnerable'

    Mixed and Confusing Messages for 'Vulnerable'

    Charities have called for clarity over shielding plans for ‘vulnerable’ and ‘extremely vulnerable’ people during the current pandemic – with news of some people being told by text message that they no longer qualify for government food parcels.Representatives of almost 50 organisations have signed an open letter to the Government warning that millions of people are getting mixed and confused messages about the easing of shielding measures potentially putting their health and safety at serious risk. The letter calls for ongoing support that must be co-produced with people directly affected and makes a number of recommendations for improved communication and support.

  • NHS Health at Home Campaign

    NHS Health at Home Campaign

    The Health at Home campaign signposts the public to the information they need to contact their GP, order repeat prescriptions, manage their wellbeing and existing conditions – without having to leave home. One of the links in the site takes you to ‘Health Unlocked’ with over 700 online communities if you wish to connect with people who have a similar health condition.

  • Festival Of Debate Goes Online

    Festival Of Debate Goes Online

    Sheffield’s Festival Of Debate is not letting the Coronavirus crisis make the talking stop – and instead has gone totally online. The festival, founded in 2015, usually features a series of panel discussions, debates, Q&As, artistic responses, keynote speeches and other public events exploring politics, economics and society.

  • Concerns over Lockdown Easing whilst Access Barriers Remain

    Concerns over Lockdown Easing whilst Access Barriers Remain

    In her Huffington Post article “Lockdown Might Be Easing But Not For Disabled People Like Me”, visually impaired writer and activist Dr Amy Kavanagh expresses her concern that the new much-used label of “vulnerable” is obscuring the real societal barriers that will make exiting lockdown impossible for disabled people.

  • Healthwatch Sheffield Want to Hear from People Living or Working in Sheffield Care Homes

    Healthwatch Sheffield Want to Hear from People Living or Working in Sheffield Care Homes

    Due to the Covid-19 outbreak Healthwatch Sheffield cannot visit care homes to hear from residents directly , but it’s more important than ever that they hear about people’s experience of living in residential or nursing care.
    If you or a relative live in a care home, or if you work in one, Healthwatch Sheffield would like to hear from you and will then share good practice and raise issues with Sheffield City Council, as well as various boards and committees across the city to make sure your voice has an impact.

  • Launch of Test And Trace To Fight Covid-19

    Launch of Test And Trace To Fight Covid-19

    Thousands of contact tracers are making their first phone calls to track down people who will be told to self-isolate under new test and trace schemes in England and Scotland. Tracers will text, email or call people who test positive with coronavirus and ask who they have had contact with. The new NHS Test and Trace service has the capacity to trace 10,000 contacts per day. The Gov.UK website provides an overview of how the new scheme works.

  • Keep in Touch with your Talking Newspaper

    Keep in Touch with your Talking Newspaper

    Sheffield Talking News( STN ) has been finding creative new ways of working during the Coronavirus outbreak and wants all their listeners to be able to continue listening. STN has temporarily suspended their memory stick service but the good news is that listeners can still hear all their recordings completely free of charge over the telephone or through various online sources.

  • Good Vibrations - Thank you for your Dance Donations

    Good Vibrations - Thank you for your Dance Donations

    Dance music fans took steps to raise more than £700 for Disability Sheffield by taking part in a lockdown disco party on 25 April. So we would like to say a big thank you to Tom Collister , our Cycling 4 All Co-ordinator and DJ on the night – AKA Moonmonkey – and everyone who ‘boogied with a smile’ and danced along to support us.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback