Disability Sheffield
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  • Have You Used A Dodgy Benefits Advisor?

    Have You Used A Dodgy Benefits Advisor?

    People claiming benefits often reach out for advice on how to deal with the system – but unfortunately not all advisors are honest and exploit benefit claimants to make money while providing poor or non-existent support. Activist group Disabled People Against Cuts is asking people to tell them about their experiences as they launch a campaign to try to stop these sharks. DPAC has also issued its own advice about selecting a benefits advisor preferably from Citizens Advice.

  • Remote Technology Survey

    Remote Technology Survey

    During the Covid19 pandemic many appointments, meetings and leisure activities have taken place remotely. Shaping Our Lives want to find out if remote communication technology is a good way for you to take part or receive a service or if remote ways of communicating are difficult or impossible for you to use.

  • Commission on Social Security's Consultation Call

    Commission on Social Security's Consultation Call

    The Commission On Social Security launched its 8 proposals to improve the benefits system on 12 August – with hundreds watching online. Now they are looking for more people to take part in their consultation about the proposals. The organisation was set up in May last year and all the commissioners are Experts By Experience, coming from claimant/user-led groups and Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations.

  • Independent Race Equality Commission Calls for Evidence

    Independent Race Equality Commission Calls for Evidence

    Sheffield’s new Race Equality Commission is calling for submissions of evidence to support its inquiry into race inequality in Sheffield and looking for volunteers to join its group of commissioners to contribute expertise throughout the inquiry. We are keen that the voices of disabled people experiencing race inequality are heard so please submit your experiences to the Commission by the deadline of 18 September 2020.

  • Thank you Tramlines

    Thank you Tramlines

    Tramlines have raised an incredible £19,600 for local charities, including Disability Sheffield, so far this year! There’s still time to add your support – the special edition Chari-Tees have been restocked for the last time and the Tramlines IPA ‘In The Park’ IPA is still on sale.What better way to spend time in the sun ( or shade ) than in a cool T shirt drinking a tasty local IPA while raising money for local charities!

  • Autism Plus Employment Support

    Autism Plus Employment Support

    If you have autism, live in South Yorkshire and need help to find work, Autism Plus have launched a new free service offering one to one employment support.The sessions are delivered by video call and include an initial phone call to discuss your needs and support you to get online.

  • Cancer and Coronavirus - Know your Rights

    Cancer and Coronavirus - Know your Rights

    Macmillan Cancer Support have published a ‘Cancer and Coronavirus – Know your rights ( in England ) Guide ‘explaining the care you should expect and what to do if you think you are not receiving the right care. “ We know it’s a difficult time for healthcare professionals but we also know that there are millions of people living with cancer who still need the right care, treatment and support. it’s vital that cancer diagnosis and treatment continues as much as possible”.

  • Support for Adult Social Care Providers

    Support for Adult Social Care Providers

    Sheffield City Council Adult Social Care have collected together a range of information in an effort to support organisations providing care services in Sheffield.As well as a webpage for all the latest news and guidance relating to COVID-19 confidential helplines and apps are available.Sheffield City Council Adult Social Care explain that they “recognise the pressure that you are under as managers and the need you may have to talk things through with someone experienced in social care.”

  • The Motor Neurone Disease Association Coronavirus Emergency Grant Scheme

    The Motor Neurone Disease Association Coronavirus Emergency Grant Scheme

    This one-off grant up to the value of £250 for people with Motor Neurone Disease can be used to cover additional living costs incurred as the result of lockdown, such as food shopping or bills. If you would like to apply, a simple form asks you to outline how COVID-19 has affected your income or finances. Other grants are available and the Association’s Benefits Advice Service can offer guidance about benefits and can assist with obtaining statutory funding or funding from other charitable organisations.

  • Fairer for Carers Campaign

    Fairer for Carers Campaign

    A group of ninety-three charities led by Carers UK submitted a joint letter to Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey in July calling for urgent extra financial support to unpaid carers to ensure “they are supported during the Coronavirus crisis and beyond.” Carers UK says that “Despite the huge contribution they make, too many carers and their families face financial hardship. Taking on a caring role can result in sharp reductions in income for families, due to the extra costs associated with caring; these pressures are further exacerbated when people feel they have no choice but to leave paid work to provide care unpaid.The Coronavirus crisis has only compounded the difficulties many carers face “

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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks