10 December 2021
We all have Human Rights but people with learning disabilities and autism, can be unaware of their rights and abused more easily. Sheffield Voices, our learning disability self-advocacy group, have made a new video that calls for change because their human rights are not being upheld. Their video will be featured at the end of Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust’s conference today to mark International Human Rights Day.
FULL ARTICLE10 December 2021
Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPPOs) play a key role in the examination process, submitting “shadow” reports to the UN Committee responsible for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People. In November we held two UN CRDP Capacity-building and Consultation online workshop events to gather views to submit to the shadow report in preparation for the next examination of the UK under the CRDP. Read our workshop findings.
FULL ARTICLE09 December 2021
Disabled people in the UK have been disproportionately exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace, according to research conducted in Sheffield.The report calls for questions about whether there are sufficient safeguards for disabled people in the workplace, and the longer-term implications for a labour market where COVID-19 is a persistent health issue.
FULL ARTICLE07 December 2021
On the International Day of Disabled People the European Network on Independent Living ( ENIL )launched a petition for members of the public to sign, with a hope to attract the attention of policy and decision makers at both national and European levels. It makes a series of demands, such as the closure of institutions for disabled people across Europe, to enable disabled people to live independently and with dignity.
FULL ARTICLE07 December 2021
A new online toolkit has been developed for and by people living with dementia and carers covering topics such as staying safe and well, staying active, staying connected, keeping a sense of purpose and staying positive. It aims to inspire through examples of real-life experiences, offering ideas to help people with dementia live how they choose and giving hope for the future.
FULL ARTICLE06 December 2021
Learning how to use a wheelchair can be difficult but the charity ‘Go Kids Go’are running training sessions in Sheffield next month on Sunday 16th January 2022 to help youngsters learn all the skills they need. During the sessions trainers work with between one and four families at a time, focussing on the young person’s wheelchair skills enabling them to be as independent as possible.Social distancing measures will be in place to keep everyone safe.
FULL ARTICLE01 December 2021
A new inclusive befriending service for BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities in Sheffield has been set up. The Inclusive Community Care project is part of Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care’s existing Good Neighbout scheme, helping to reduce older people’s feelings of loneliness and isolation through regular telephone support and friendly visits to their home.
FULL ARTICLE01 December 2021
It may be the most wonderful time of the year but Christmas can be overwhelming and stressful for many people. So Sheffield IAPT (Improving Access To Psychological Therapies) is offering help in the form of one-off managing wellbeing sessions, during which you can learn techniques and tools to help support yourself.The sessions take place on Thursday 9th December from 5.30pm-6.30pm and Thursday 16th December at the same time.
FULL ARTICLE30 November 2021
Have you ever wanted unbiased reviews, information and guidance on products and services based on research with disabled and older consumers? If so you may have come across the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers, which is looking for new panel members to join the other 2,600 people trying to make products and services more accessible and inclusive.
FULL ARTICLE30 November 2021
If you are a taxi user and have any recent experiences you would like to share then please get in touch with us at Disability Sheffield.Also do you have views on whether wheelchair accessible rear loading taxis would be a good or a bad thing? Sharing your experiences will help support work both on existing taxi issues already reported and on responses to the Clean Air Zone proposals which require many taxi drivers to change or upgrade their vehicles.
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Andrew Crooks
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