06 April 2022
People who have compromised immune systems still have access to free LFD testing and Covid-19 treatments such as antiviral drugs. You will be contacted via phone or email to identify you as part this group. If you haven’t been contacted by mid-April and believe you should be part of this group, contact your GP or hospital consultant.
FULL ARTICLE05 April 2022
Many disabled people are having harsh challenges trying to get vital adaptations to their home, with long waits and some having to resort to crowdfunding to pay for them, an investigation has revealed. The Bureau Of Invesigative Journalism through its ‘Bureau Local’ team, which works on stories that matter to communities across the UK, has been looking into Disabled Facilities Grants.
FULL ARTICLE05 April 2022
It’s irritating sometimes having to repeat your access requirements to various organisations, only to find they’ve been forgotten about, or lost, or you’ve missed something. Shaping Our Lives, has set up a free tool – the My Involvement Profile – designed by its members to record access and support needs which can then be shared with organisations before events or when you get involved in things such as focus groups.
FULL ARTICLE04 April 2022
Supported Loving is a human rights-based campaign, with associated network meetings, hosted by Choice Support. They believe people with learning disabilities and/or autism should be able to enjoy the same sexual and romantic freedoms as everyone else.Check out their blogs, podcasts and guides.
FULL ARTICLE04 April 2022
What should post-diagnostic support look like for autistic adults? Three online workshops are being held for autistic adults at the University of Sheffield to hear your views on this. If you received your diagnosis as an adult from a UK service within the last ten years they would be grateful for your input. A £75 voucher per workshop is available as a thank you if all three workshops are attended.
FULL ARTICLE04 April 2022
A brand-new dementia advice service was launched on 1st April for people living with dementia and their family carers in Sheffield.The Dementia Advice Sheffield (DAS) service, delivered by Age UK Sheffield and funded by Sheffield City Council, is a one-stop shop, first point of contact service to respond to any non-clinical, dementia-related query.
FULL ARTICLE23 March 2022
Buying a mobility scooter can be a stressful – not to mention an expensive – experience, especially if you have never used one before. Luckily The Willaim Merritt Centre, based in Leeds, has opened a Sheffield Branch at Soar Works Enterprise Centre in Parson Cross, offering mobility scooter assessments and providing independent and objective advice by qualified and trained Occupational Therapists.
FULL ARTICLE23 March 2022
Sheffield SENDIAS, which offers information, advice and support over Special Educational Needs and Disability, is now running free weekly Zoom information sessions to help parents, carers and young people understand SEND support and EHC Plans.
FULL ARTICLE18 March 2022
National Energy Action are urging people to take a meter reading and send it to your energy supplier on or before the 31st March 2022 to ensure that your charges will be at the current cheaper rate and to top up a key and card meter by as much as you can afford. NEA provide grants for customers on Pre-Pay meters and on low incomes or benefits. Sheffield City Council has a Winter Top Up fund that needs to be spent by the end of March as well.
FULL ARTICLE17 March 2022
The NHS is offering new antibody and antiviral treatments to people with coronavirus (COVID-19) who are at highest risk of becoming seriously ill.The treatments can help some people manage their COVID-19 symptoms and reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill. They are for people who have not been admitted to hospital and at highest risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19.
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Andrew Crooks
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