11 May 2023
A Multi-Lingual and Multi-Faith Bereavement helpline set up by the DiverseCity Development Trust, the helpline is a listening service for anyone in the Sheffield area struggling to come to terms with loss and grief. The helpline matches callers with someone who speaks the same language or has a similar background.
Sheffield Healthwatch has announced the latest round of their #SpeakUp small grants scheme. This year Sheffield Healthwatch are looking for 4 voluntary or community sector groups or organisations to work on projects with a grant of £2,000, on issues in health and social care that are important to them which capture the views and experiences of the people they support. The deadline for applications is 9am on Monday 5th June 2023
We are looking to recruit a Network Coordinator to establish, grow and help coordinate a diverse, vibrant and user-led pan-disability network of disabled people across Sheffield, advocating for social change. The closing date is 9:00 am on the 5th June 2023
Part of the Festival of Debate, this conference at Victoria Hall Methodist Church on Thursday 18 May 2023 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, focuses on the future of care and support being in our neighbourhoods. Citizen Network and the Neighbourhood Democracy Movement invite you to join them to meet the people who are taking action in their local neighbourhoods, and those working behind the scenes to create the systems we need for the future.
Tell Sheffield City Council and the Direct Payments Support Service what you think about Direct Payments and what ideas you have to make things better at the Personalisation and Direct Payments Strategy Launch Event taking place on Thursday 18th May between 10am-2pm at St Mary’s Church.
As part of a national rebrand Sheffield IAPT has changed its name and has a new website but its services remain the same.
NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies ( for anxiety and depression ) is an easier to understand title which makes taking that first step more accessible as asking for help can be really difficult, especially if you aren’t sure what help you need.
10 May 2023
Sheffield Voices self-advocacy group for people with learning disabilities and autism has released its latest newsletter to let you know what activities they held in April. Also mentioned is the upcoming “You Speak We Listen” event, which is taking part on May 26th at Hillsborough Arena including a session around the cost of living and how it is impacting the learning disability community.
Opportunity Sheffield, the employment and skills service in Sheffield City Council, has released its latest news bulletin. It is made up of programmes which help employed and unemployed people advance their careers through new jobs, apprenticeships, work placements, courses and other training options and hosts a range of regular events.
We’re building a new PA-Register for Sheffield, and we want your help! We’re holding our first co-production events this month to get the views of Individual Employers and Personal Assistants on how we can make the new PA Register work for you. Whether you’ve used the PA Register before or not, we want to hear from you!
FULL ARTICLE27 April 2023
Do you love cycling as much as we do? We are looking for some new Cycling Session Volunteers to help out at our Sheffield Cycling 4 All sessions in Hillsborough Park. Our project enables anyone to enjoy cycling, whatever difficulties or disabilities they face. We are a people led organisation committed to providing Sheffield with regular and active inclusive cycling sessions.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
Andrew Crooks
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