WorkWell is a new programme in Sheffield and across South Yorkshire, aimed at helping people aged 16+ with physical or mental health conditions stay in or return to work.
The service at South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) offices in Sheffield provides personalised support for individuals facing challenges to find or remain in work. The programme connects people to tailored support through referrals from GPs, Job Centre Plus, local authorities, and the Voluntary Community Sector. People can also self refer.
Peer Support Worker Leigh Arnold shared how WorkWell “has made a massive difference” by providing support which has led to him landing a more fulfilling job.
Juliann Hall of South Yorkshire Housing Association emphasised that WorkWell promotes meaningful opportunities for individuals to thrive in work. She says: “WorkWell will ensure that people living with health conditions and disabilities are supported to find and stay in work and are given the chance to share and grow their talents in South Yorkshire.”
You can find out more about the new service and how you can self-refer at SYHA’s WorkWell page