Our learning disability group, Sheffield Voices, has secured funding from Zest to run a 10-month weight management course for a ‘lighter life’ for anyone with a learning disability or autism who has a BMI over 25.
The group is meeting every Tuesday at Hillsborough Arena from 1-3pm to learn about healthy eating, learn from each other and have some fun doing dance, playing boccia, curling and some general exercise. It’s also a chance to make new friends. Your weight will be discussed with you individually so that everyone is comfortable. View Poster
Sheffield Voices wants to work with 33 people and would like you to come along for at least 12 weeks during a ten-month period.
You will be welcome if you don’t have a BMI of 25 also but we will not be monitoring your weight.
Places are still available so to find out more please ring Kathryn Littlewood on 077348 56006 or email kathryn.littlewood@disabilitysheffield.org.uk .