People with a learning disability ( and/or autism ) are entitled to free Annual Health Checks from a doctor but not many people are aware of this provision including doctors and health and social care providers supporting people with a learning disability.
That’s why Skills For Care, an independent registered charity working with 21,500 adult social care employers , has launched a national survey into these health checks, intending to find out why there is such a discrepancy in uptake and what they can do about it.
To do this work, they want to hear from:
■ People with a learning disability (and/or autism),
■ Family members, carers or friends
■ Doctors and staff working in doctor’s surgeries that do and don’t offer Annual Health
■ Health and social care providers that support people with a learning disability.
If you would like to take part please complete the Skills for Care survey here.
The survey should take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete and the deadline for the survey is 5pm on Friday November 1.