Public Health England says every day about 30,000 to 35,000 adults with a learning disability and/or autism are being given psychotropic medicines when they do not have a diagnosed mental health condition. This is often to manage behaviour which is seen as challenging.These medicines are right for some people, but over medication or using them for the wrong reason puts people at risk of weight gain, health problems and even premature death.
STOMP stands for stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines. It is a national project involving many different organisations which are helping to stop the over use of these medicines. STOMP is about helping people to stay well and have a good quality of life.
The aims of STOMP are to:
- encourage people to have regular check-ups about their medicines
- make sure doctors and other health professionals involve people, families and support staff in decisions about medicines
- inform everyone about non-drug therapies and practical ways of supporting people so they are less likely to need as much medicine, if any.
To learn more about STOMP view the Easy Read Sheffield Information Pack