We were pleased to see the University of Sheffield involved as a partner organisation with the Alliance for Inclusive Education as one of ten new projects across the UK funded by the National Lottery to explore how disabled people can live as full citizens in society and what changes and support will make that happen in practice.
Each research or pilot project will be led by disabled people or people with long term health conditions; they will be developing approaches and questions, working alongside academics and policy makers. Disabled people who often struggle to have their voices heard will be shaping research – such as people living with dementia, learning disabilities and mental health issues.
The project led by ALLFIE, in collaboration with the University of Sheffield, is investigating a particular measure that exists in English law to test its effectiveness as a driver of inclusive education for disabled pupils and students. ‘Accessibility Plans’ are a measure of the Equality Act 2010.
These plans require education and training settings to evidence how they are engaging with disabled pupils and students, including those with special educational needs (SEN), and their parents/families/carers to make the learning experience accessible and inclusive. There is a specific focus on an accessible curriculum and access to the physical learning environment.
The project aims to effect lasting changes to promote inclusive education and leave a legacy of increased political activism involving disabled children and young people aged 10 – 25 who are more confident in taking forward their own views about independent living, choice and control.