Mental Health is one of Healthwatch Sheffield’s priority areas this year, and in particular the mental health support needs of people in the community setting (whether they have accessed services or not).
Mental health support in the community helps people to manage their mental health needs whilst remaining at home. It can include advice, support groups, day centres, drop ins, assessment and treatment of mental health conditions and is provided by a number of different services including the NHS, social services and charities.
Healthwatch Sheffield is seeking your views whether you have used Mental health Support in community for many years, just a week or have never used it at all.
Please complete their survey which will help to inform research into community mental health provision across Sheffield.- the deadline for responses is 31st August 2017.
If you require a paper copy, you represent an organisation able to provide support for service users to complete the survey, or if you have any questions or suggestions to do with this work, please get in touch with Healthwatch Sheffield’s Policy and Evidence Officer, Helen Steers on ( 0114 ) 253668 or email .