Sheffield City Council launches the start of their consultation today on their new Adult Social Care strategy for Sheffield over the next 5 to 10 years. Stage 1 of the review asks for your views on the proposed vision, principles and commitments of the strategy.
“We want to make sure Sheffield is a city for all ages, where everyone can get the right support to help them live the kind of life they want to live. We want to hear from as many people as possible, and we want local people to help us design how things will look in the future,’‘ said a spokesperson.
“We don’t have all the answers. We need your wisdom, experience, and knowledge to help design our services in future. We want you to challenge our thinking, help look for solutions and really make adult social care in Sheffield the best it can be.”
For more information you can download their public information leaflet, also available in an easy read version and audio version .
You can give your views on Sheffield City Council’s public consultation site Citizen Space here
The consultation closes on November 29.