A charity called In Control has been asked by NHS England and NHS Improvement to look at the delivery support tools for personal health budgets, focusing on the legal right to have one. They want to understand how helpful / inclusive the tools are to ensure that people with learning disabilities and/or autism are included.
They want to hear the views of a wide range of people involved in the world of personal health budgets and find out what their experience of offering and supporting people to get a personal health budget is — what helps and what gets in the way?
There are two surveys. The first to be filled in if you are a practitioner supporting people with a learning disability and/or autism to get a personal health budget. You can see it here.
The second survey is to be completed by people who have a learning disability and/or autism, their family members and people who work for a disabled people’s user led organisation, or offer some other form of peer support. You can find this one here.
You can read the guidance on the legal ‘Right to Have’ a personal health budget here
The closing date for both surveys is Tuesday 2nd March 2021.