Every year, Cycling UK, highlight 100 exceptional women who promote cycling and encourage others to take part. This year we are nominating SC4A cyclist Chella Quint who has been borrowing an e-trike from our cycle loan scheme. We want people to nominate Chella because we think she deserves recognition for the work that she does as an ambassador for inclusive cycling. It will also help increase visibility for inclusive cycling in general and let people know about Sheffield Cycling 4 All. We try to nominate someone every year and a member of our team made the list last year. We are putting Chella forward this year and extra nominations always seem to really help.
Click the following link to join us in nominating Chella! https://www.cyclinguk.org/100women/nominations
You need to do this before 30 June.
To make it easier, you can copy the following information for your nomination.
I would like to nominate: Chella Quint
They are a… Community champion
Are they part of a cycle group? Yes
What is the name of the cycling group they are part of? Sheffield Cycling 4 All
What is their role within the cycling group? Member
Please provide a web address for the cycle group www.sheffieldcycling4all.org
They inspire me because.
Chella is a well-known menstrual activism campaigner through her Period Positive campaign, and she frequently uses her role to – as she calls it – advocate for ‘all kinds of cycles!’ Chella is an active participant and vocally grateful beneficiary of our e-trike lending scheme through Sheffield Cycling 4 All, and rides to period education workshops at local school and community events. She always takes opportunities to share the benefits of cycling on those with menstrual cycles, and notes that puberty is a time when many young women and those who menstruate can often opt out of sport. Chella uses the trike not just for active travel but also to visibly represent disabled cyclists in citywide group cycling events (such as Dom Whiting’s Drum and Bass on the Bike visits and the monthly Sheffield Mass Cycle Rides). She was British Cycling’s first non-standard cycle rider to complete women’s ride leader training, and gave valuable feedback on how to make this training more inclusive. She recently met up with the active travel commissioner for South Yorkshire to discuss some of the issues facing Disabled cyclists in Sheffield. She also recently used her social media platforms to share her experiences with bike polo, and to encourage other disabled cyclists to take part locally. Chella regularly submits information about accessible routes, barriers and cycling infrastructure.
She is both a community champion and an influencer, really. People often stop her and ask about the trike. She is always happy to speak to people about her experiences and her visibility in the community and online have been a great normaliser of non-standard cycles.
Contact. chellaquint@gmail.com