The NHS and your local council collect a lot of information about you. At the moment different sections of the council and the NHS can’t view all the health and care information about you, even when this would help provide better care and services. The NHS and local councils in Yorkshire and Humber want to find out your views about what sort of information should be used to improve the healthcare and services you receive and to help make Yorkshire and Humber a better place for everybody.
With better communication between health and care systems there are lots of opportunities to use our health and care records to research the cause and treatment of diseases, and to plan better health and care services. But what should the NHS be allowed to do with the information it holds about you?
Want to join in the conversation about how the NHS and local councils in Yorkshire and Humber should use health and care information about you?
You can take part in the survey here. If you want to complete it in another language or format please email