MyHailo (previously known as ‘Pinpoint’) is an assistive technology that allows users to ‘hail for help’ with refuelling at petrol stations, without needing to leave the car.
MyHailo enables users to subtly and easily request help from petrol station staff when at the pump. Contacta, the company behind MyHailo, is promoting feedback about the product from users.
“All you need to do is pull up to the pump, and press the button on your MyHailo fob to alert filling station staff that you need assistance. This will prompt the beacon to flash red. The red flashing indicates that your key fob is working and that an alert has been made to let staff know you are waiting.”
“When your hail has been acknowledged by a staff member the beacon will turn green. Someone will shortly be on their way to help you refuel, without the need for you to leave your vehicle.”
For more information on MyHailo, including a map of Petrol stations currently signed up to the scheme, visit the website.