29 October 2015
Sheffield City Council’s new Carers SIF starts on Thursday 19 November from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Sheffield Town Hall with dates for 2016 meetings set for every other month.
FULL ARTICLE26 October 2015
Find out about the changes to bus services starting this week.
FULL ARTICLE26 October 2015
BSL Healthy Minds is a free therapy and counselling service delivered in British Sign Language helping deaf people who are struggling to live with anxiety or depression.
FULL ARTICLE26 October 2015
This new national report highlights how improving the ability of doctors and nurses in GP surgeries to spot patients who may have mental health conditions, could reduce illness and save lives.
FULL ARTICLE22 October 2015
We are recruiting a new Chairperson for Disability Sheffield to lead a group of ten trustees with a wide range of experience.
FULL ARTICLE22 October 2015
See coverage of one of the DRILL events taking place across the country to discuss how public money can be best used to enable disabled people to live independently, as well as giving a greater voice to disabled people on the issues that impact them.
FULL ARTICLE21 October 2015
The next meeting of the Disability Hub on Thursday 26 November 2015 will elect its Disability Hub Representatives .Deadline for submissions is Wednesday 18 November 5pm if you wish to apply.
FULL ARTICLE21 October 2015
Despite emphasis on wellbeing, choice and control within the Care Act the report ‘Promoting People’s Right to Choice and Control under the Care Act 2014’, recently published by the Independent Living Strategy Group and In Control, found nearly half of respondents felt their quality of life had reduced and 30% experienced a reduction in choice and control.
FULL ARTICLE21 October 2015
The judges of the ‘ Embracing Progress ‘ competition are looking for attention grabbing images that are positive, empowering and demonstrate that every disabled person has the right to live their life and embrace their disability to achieve their goals. The closing date is Sunday 22 November.
FULL ARTICLE19 October 2015
Each year, the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board gives an award to people with learning disabilities, who inspire others with their dedication to sport and activities in Sheffield. Would you like to nominate an individual or team for the Peter Woodall Sports Award?
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
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Andrew Crooks
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