Disability Sheffield
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Blog Archive

  • It's not Time to Relax - It's Not over Yet

    It's not Time to Relax - It's Not over Yet

    Greg Fell, Director of Public Health at Sheffield City Council, explains the importance of continuing to follow the official guidance, after the latest relaxation of lockdown restrictions, to avoid a second wave of infection. People with learning disabilities can also ‘spread the news’ with Easy Read information from Speakup.

  • Concerns over Lockdown Easing whilst Access Barriers Remain

    Concerns over Lockdown Easing whilst Access Barriers Remain

    In her Huffington Post article “Lockdown Might Be Easing But Not For Disabled People Like Me”, visually impaired writer and activist Dr Amy Kavanagh expresses her concern that the new much-used label of “vulnerable” is obscuring the real societal barriers that will make exiting lockdown impossible for disabled people.

  • 5 Tips for Carers of People with Dementia during Coronavirus

    5 Tips for Carers of People with Dementia during Coronavirus

    There are many carers living with a person with dementia who are having a difficult time during the Coronavirus pandemic. To help, the Alzheimer’s Society,has put together five tips to benefit your wellbeing during the COVID-19 lockdown. You are not alone and lots of support is still available in Sheffield.

  • National Voices Launches Our Covid Voices

    National Voices Launches Our Covid Voices

    Our COVID Voices is a project collecting first-person accounts of living through the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. You can read the accounts people have submitted and add your own voice to the collection.

  • Women's Aid Coronavirus Resources on Domestic Abuse

    Women's Aid Coronavirus Resources on Domestic Abuse

    Lockdown has seen a huge increase in incidents of domestic abuse, with leading charity Refuge reporting a 700% increase in calls to their helpline in a single day. Women’s Aid has produced a range of Coronavirus/COVID-19 Safety and Support Resources for survivors, friends, family, neighbours and community members including in British sign language and other languages.

  • Be Mindful of Your Health and Wellbeing

    Be Mindful of  Your Health and Wellbeing

    During the Coronavirus pandemic it can be difficult to ensure you are staying healthy both physically and mentally. That is why a number of organisations are producing useful resources to help you and here are a few more you may find interesting offering free sessions and podcasts, including the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.

  • International Monitoring of COVID 19 Measures

    International Monitoring of COVID 19 Measures

    The European Network of Independent Living (ENIL), in partnership with five other disability organisations have launched a new initiative, the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor, which aims to collect information about what states are doing to protect the core rights of disabled people including the rights to life, access to health and essential services. You can take part by completing their survey.

  • Report your experiences during Covid-19

    Report your experiences during Covid-19

    Have you got something to say about access to care and support or to your treatment during COVID-19? In Control and Disability Rights UK have joined forces to set up a register to record people’s experiences of getting health, social care and treatment during lockdown.

  • Join In the Social Distancing Festival from Afar

    Join In the Social Distancing Festival from Afar

    This online arts community celebrates and showcases the work of artists around the world who have been affected by the need for social distancing due to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).There are many online live streams taking place as part of the Social Distancing Festival. This includes live music, live theatre, comedy and poetry.

  • More Tips & Techniques for Managing Anxiety

    More Tips & Techniques for Managing Anxiety

    Khulisa, a national charity that works with young adults and children with challenging behaviour in schools, prisons and the community have produced a useful toolkit detailing “Tips & Techniques for Managing Anxiety in a Pandemic.The tips takes your through breathing techniques, meditation and mindfulness exercises and setting new regimes and activities to help you keep calm.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback