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Blog Archive

  • Sheffield Voices Health Consultations Report

    Sheffield Voices Health Consultations Report

    Sheffield Voices was commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group to run a series of events in May to find out what people with learning disabilities and autistic people feel about health services in Sheffield. They connected with around 100 people who were able to give their views in this Easy Read report.

  • Pyjama Drama: What a Performance!

    Pyjama Drama: What a Performance!

    Our Sheffied Voices self-advocacy drama group has developed a play ‘Welcome to Sunny Smiles Care Home’ about the best ( or possibly the Worst ! ) care home around…. which we are showcasing on 4th May at 5.30pm to 6.30 pm at the Showroom Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row Sheffield. If you have a learning disability and want to learns some acting skills we are also looking for new participants for our next adventure starting on 13th May.

  • The Magic Pen Is Back

    The Magic Pen Is Back

    The Magic Pen writing group has been relaunched, offering people with learning disabilities and autism the chance to put their thoughts into writing. The free group, supported by Sheffield Voices is run by people with learning disabilities and supported by experienced professional writers and volunteers. It has moved to an afternoon slot of 2-3pm every Friday, starting on December 3rd.

  • Sheffield Voices Shortlisted for Leaders Award

    Sheffield Voices Shortlisted for Leaders Award

    Congratulations and Hoorah! Sheffield Voices has been nominated into the Learning Disability and Autism Leaders Award 2021 and are very happy to have been shortlisted. Sheffield Voices has been nominated for their outstanding work on raising awareness and challenging issues relating to bad practice and abuse of patients in inpatients units both in Sheffield and beyond.We hope Sheffield Voices will win!

  • Weight For It...

    Weight For It...

    Our learning disability group, Sheffield Voices has secured funding from Zest to run a 10-month weight management course for a ‘lighter life’ for anyone with a learning disability or autism who has a BMI over 25. The group is meeting every Tuesday at Hillsborough Arena from 1-3pm to learn about healthy eating, learn from each other and have some fun doing dance, playing boccia, curling and some general exercise. Places are still available so do get in touch if you’d like to know more.

  • Peer Self-Advocacy Worker Post

    Peer Self-Advocacy Worker Post

    Sheffield Voices which is part of Disability Sheffield is looking for a person with a learning disability to join our team as a peer self-advocate.The job is for 10 hours a week. The pay is £7.426 per year. You need to ask us for a job pack and fill and return the application form by 9am on the 13th August.

  • Sheffield Voices Seen On Video

    Sheffield Voices Seen On Video

    Our learning disability self-advocacy group, Sheffield Voices, has uploaded three videos which they’ve produced as a result of their events celebrating the International Day Of Disabled People earlier this month. The first video looks back in history at how people with learning disabilities were treated, the second is about the seven keys to citizenship and last but not least the third video is a public forum where people were invited to come along to talk about Human Rights and hear about the work done by Sheffield Voices.

  • Daniel's Storytelling Skills Are A Real Winner

    Daniel's Storytelling Skills Are A Real Winner

    Daniel Thistlewaite has a magic way with words – which led to him being crowned one of the winners of the Sheffield Short Story Competition 2020. Daniel, is a member of our learning disability self-advocacy group Sheffield Voices and has been attending the new Magic Pen writing group, a collaboration between Disability Sheffield and the Burton Street Foundation. Congratulations on your win Daniel!

  • Join Us on Video to Talk About the Lockdown

    Join Us on Video to Talk About the Lockdown

    Hear what it’s really like being in lockdown from people with learning disabilities or autism as we discuss our experiences of being in isolation and invite you to take part. In our video members of the public join our learning disability group, Sheffield Voices, on webcam and talk about the good and the bad things about being in lockdown, social distancing and self isolating. We hope you’ll join in the conversation with us next time.

  • Zoom into Sheffield Voices Coffee Mornings

    Zoom into Sheffield Voices Coffee Mornings

    Do you have a learning disability or autism? Sheffield Voices, our learning disability and autism group, is offering a space where people can connect with each other, have some fun and find out information. Sheffield Voices Coffee Mornings take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am until 12pm, that’s for one hour on “ZOOM”, which is an online meeting space.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training