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  • Sheffield REC Public Meeting

    Sheffield REC Public Meeting

    Sheffield’s Race Equality Commission will hold its first public hearing on Tuesday 8 December from 10am to 4.30pm to examine evidence of racial inequalities within health and healthcare in Sheffield.The hearings will be thematic with the first focusing on ‘Health’. The Commission will hear from speakers from across the healthcare industry on their experiences of racial inequalities in the sector and what they’re doing to tackle the issue. The meeting will take place online and members of the public are invited to watch via Zoom.

  • UK Disability History Month : Following Patient 36 Digital Story

    UK Disability History Month : Following Patient 36 Digital Story

    To celebrate UK Disability History Month this year, the DIY Theatre Company has launched “Following Patient 36” , a performance piece exploring Learning Disability History and the resilience of people with learning disabilities in Salford and Greater Manchester. UK Disability History Month is taking place from 18th November until Friday 18th December 2020.

  • Signing up for Vitamin D Supplements

    Signing up for Vitamin D Supplements

    The government has recommended taking a Vitamin D supplement during the Autumn and Winter months and is offering a free 4 month supply for adults who are clinically extremely vulnerable. If you would like to opt-in to receive your free supply of vitamin D, you will need to register your details between 30 November 2020 and 4 January 2021.

  • Tier 3 Restrictions from 2 December

    Tier 3 Restrictions from 2 December

    The Government has announced that Sheffield will come out of lockdown on Wednesday 2 December and enter into the tier 3 ‘Very High’ alert category, along with Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. Some tier 3 restrictions will be different this time compared to when Sheffield was in tier 3 before lockdown started on 5 November.The government will announce the arrangements that will be in place over the Christmas period shortly.

  • Daniel's Storytelling Skills Are A Real Winner

    Daniel's Storytelling Skills Are A Real Winner

    Daniel Thistlewaite has a magic way with words – which led to him being crowned one of the winners of the Sheffield Short Story Competition 2020. Daniel, is a member of our learning disability self-advocacy group Sheffield Voices and has been attending the new Magic Pen writing group, a collaboration between Disability Sheffield and the Burton Street Foundation. Congratulations on your win Daniel!

  • Exploring The Disability Employment Gap

    Exploring The Disability Employment Gap

    The UK Parliament’s Work And Pensions Committee have launched an inquiry aiming to investigate the gap between the employment rates of disabled and non-disabled people and look at how the DWP can better support disabled people in the labour market. They want to hear from disabled people about your experiences.You can submit evidence until Friday 18 December 2020.

  • Social Impacts Of Covid-19 On Disabled People

    Social Impacts Of Covid-19 On Disabled People

    Disabled people have been disproportionately affected by reductions and cancellations to NHS treatments caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a major study has shown. The Office For National Statistics has issued a new report titled ‘Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain: September 2020.’

  • Free Training for Individual Employers and PAs

    Free Training for Individual Employers and PAs

    Are you currently employed as a Personal Assistant for an adult over the age of 18 and feel you could benefit from further training? Do you employ your own Personal Assistants and want to further their skills and knowledge, as well as your own? If so, Disability Sheffield are running a number of FREE courses for Personal Assistants and Individual Employers in partnership with Skills for Care and Sheffield City Council starting this November until March 2021.

  • Boloh Covid-19 Helpline

    Boloh Covid-19 Helpline

    In many languages, Boloh means speak. If you are a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic child ( 11+ ), young person, parent or carer, affected by Covid-19? you can speak to Barnado’s new helpline about your worries, problems and stresses during the pandemic. On the phone, helpline advisors can talk to you in English, Urdu, Punjabi or Hindi. Psychotherapists can provide therapeutic support in English, Hindi, Bengali, French and Punjabi.

  • Do you Care on Carers Rights Day

    Do you Care on Carers Rights Day

    The theme for Carers Rights Day 2020 today is ‘Know Your Rights’. Sheffield Young Carers and Sheffield Carers Centre have made a series of campaign videos to mark Carers Rights Day. They want carers to understand they are not alone and that every carer has rights which can help to make their lives easier.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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