09 December 2015
Read the 2016 Power 100 list of Britain’s most influential disabled people from across business, sport, the arts and a range of other professions.
FULL ARTICLE07 December 2015
Carers Toolbox are free five week social support groups open to all who have a caring responsibility offered by the Sheffield Mind and Body Project.
FULL ARTICLE07 December 2015
Bristol primary school says seven-year-old pupil can no longer use her white cane because it could trip up teachers and other children. Listen to the Debate.
FULL ARTICLE03 December 2015
Following our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3 December you can now view our AGM Agenda, Minutes and Accounts on our website.
FULL ARTICLE30 November 2015
The website is designed to be a celebration of the oldest third of Sheffield’s population and a point of information for anyone aged 50+ in Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE26 November 2015
See Disability Rights UK’s submission and the government’s response to the Department of Health’s consultation concerning services to people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health conditions.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
In Control, Lancaster University and Think Local Act Personal have published the findings of the third Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool (POET) of over 500 personal health budget holders and carers.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
Advice on keeping well this winter from NHS England.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
Come along and see this display of Christmas trees decorated by 30 local and national charities, including Disability Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
Keep up to date with what’s happening during Disability History Month from the 22 November to 22 December.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
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Andrew Crooks
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