20 June 2023
Workplaces are still not as inclusive for disabled people as they need to be and employees are still waiting too long for the adjustments they need to reduce or remove the barriers they experience in their jobs, a new survey by the Business Disability Forum shows.
FULL ARTICLE15 June 2023
The Activity Alliance, a national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity, reveals a growing need to reduce disabled people’s cost of living and loneliness in their ‘Disability and Activity’ annual survey results.
FULL ARTICLE01 February 2023
Healthwatch Sheffield is dedicated to helping improve health and social care services in Sheffield. If you’d like to have your say on what you think Healthwatch Sheffield should focus on over the next 2 years, please complete their new Work Priorities Survey 2023-2025 or attend a meeting on 21st (online) and 28th (in person) of February.
FULL ARTICLE07 December 2022
Healthwatch Sheffield and Healthwatch Barnsley are asking how the cost of living crisis is affecting your access to healthcare. Your answers will help the NHS and other local services better understand how financial pressures are impacting on people’s health.
FULL ARTICLE16 December 2021
Do you employ your own Personal Assistants (PAs), carers or support workers? If so please can you complete this short survey by the Local Government Association about the recruitment and retention of PAs. It has been designed by people who employ PAs, for people who employ PAs. If you prefer, In Control are offering two one-hour online zoom video meetings on 5 January 2022 where you can talk through the survey questions instead of filling in the form. The deadline is 22nd January 2022.
FULL ARTICLE16 November 2021
Amid continuing concerns about the problems being experienced by disabled people making claims, the Work and Pensions Committee has launched a survey to hear about first-hand experiences of claiming PIP or ESA.It is open to everyone who has had an assessment to claim PIP or who has had a Work Capability Assessment, either to claim ESA or as part of a Universal Credit claim.The survey is open until mid February 2022
FULL ARTICLE16 November 2021
Would you be interested in having a say about what to include in a new ‘Welcome to Jessops’ video? The Sheffield Autism Partnership Network would like to hear from Autistic parents, partners and their carers and give you the opportunity to share your maternity experiences by answering three questions.
FULL ARTICLE13 September 2021
At Disability Sheffield in our latest video we’re asking people living in Sheffield How Accessible is Your GP’s Surgery? It’s very timely to release our video just as a coalition of charities, SignHealth , Sense, RAD, RNIB, LDEngland, Visionary, RNID and HealthWatch have come together to review how the Accessible Information Standard has impacted patient experiences, five years on from its implementation in 2016. Please complete their survey.
FULL ARTICLE17 March 2021
In order to keep talking to people living with dementia, their families, and supporters the partnership organisations working together to improve the lives of people living with dementia would like to find out how well the Dementia Strategy in Sheffield is meeting needs. If you are affected by dementia please take just a few minutes to answer a few questions in this survey.
FULL ARTICLE23 February 2021
The charity In Control has set up a survey to look at the delivery support tools for personal health budgets, focusing on the legal ‘Right to Have’. It will help the NHS understand how helpful / inclusive the tools are to ensure that people with learning disabilities and autistic people are included in the legal ‘Right to Have’. The closing date is Tuesday 2nd March 2021.
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Andrew Crooks
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