Disability Sheffield
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  • Music Club in the Accessibility Top Ten

    Music Club in the Accessibility Top Ten

    Sheffield music venue The Leadmill has been named as one of the best in Britain by an organisation devoted to improving access for disabled concertgoers. Attitude Is Everything puts the Leadmill in its top ten for all concert halls nationwide and adds that it is one of the four best rock haunts due to its ground floor location, nearness to public transport and its staff’s helpful attitude.

  • Cinema's Help For Film Fans Who Are Deaf

    The Showroom has become Sheffield’s first deaf friendly cinema – with subtitled movies every Monday and now a deaf volunteer with knowledge of sign and oral language. Adele Johnston will be performing the role every Monday from now on. She can use either BSL (British Sign Language) or lip reading to help customers.

  • Help the Home Office to Make Their Services More Accessible

    The Home Office is hoping to improve accessibility for disabled people who use its services and would like to speak to people with physical and cognitive access needs, especially those who use assistive technology . As a thank you to participants the Home Office is offering £90 worth of shopping vouchers per research session.

  • Questionnaire About Accessibility Plans In Schools

    The Alliance For Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) has launched a questionnaire which aims to find out the views of parents and education professionals about Accessibility Plans and whether they are effective in supporting disabled pupils’ inclusion at school. The survey closes at the end of February.

  • Have Your Say On Bus Service Changes Proposals

    Through the four bus partnerships in the county, local bus operators are seeking views and feedback on proposed changes including improvements in service frequency along key corridors and improved access to employment.The consultation runs until Sunday 9 December 2018 and gives you the chance to tell local bus operators what you think before changes are implemented in February 2019

  • Bus Driver Praised For Action On Accessibility

    A bus driver in Paris who ordered his passengers off to let a wheelchair user on his vehicle has been praised by disability groups. Francois Le Berre, who has multiple sclerosis, was in danger of being left stranded at his stop when the other passengers refused to move to enable him to take up one of the bus’s two wheelchair-accessible spots, until the driver intervened…..

  • Innovative Tram Trains Launch This Month

    An innovative mode of transport designed to make travelling in South Yorkshire easier is to be launched later this month
    The UK’s first tram train, which can run on both tramlines and the rail network between Sheffield and Rotherham will welcome its first passengers on board on Thursday 25 October,

  • See The Light At Dementia-Friendly Film Screenings

    The Light Cinema on The Moor in Sheffield is holding special dementia-friendly screenings to ensure that people living with dementia have the opportunity to watch films in adapted environments. There are no adverts or trailers and the lighting will be slightly raised throughout the screening.

  • Doncaster Sheffield Airport Accessibility Forum Open Day

    As part of their commitment to making the journey through the airport as easy as possible you are invited to the airport’s Accessibility Forum open day on Monday 26th March.

  • Employees Work to make Google Maps 'Accessible'

    A group of Google employees have spent their ’20% time’ making Google Maps display information about accessibility.

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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks