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  • Gig Buddies Launches Coronavirusfest

    Gig Buddies Launches Coronavirusfest

    Gig Buddies” is a programme run by national charity Stay Up Late, that supports people with learning disabilities to see live music through their volunteering befriending service.In response to the Coronavirus lockdown, Gig Buddies has brought many of its services online including; virtual coffee mornings, art clubs, evening socials and @Coronavirusfest – a virtual music festival to keep their beneficiaries, supporters and general public connected through music.

  • Temporary Changes to Footpaths and Highways in Sheffield

    Temporary Changes to Footpaths and Highways in Sheffield

    Sheffield City Council have announced details on temporary changes to footpaths and highways in Sheffield as lockdown eases and people begin to return to the city.One of the main priorities of the changes is to make sure that Sheffield City Council do what they can to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and help lessen the chances of a ‘second peak.’

  • Your Experiences of Health, Care and Support Services in Sheffield during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Your Experiences of Health, Care and Support Services in Sheffield during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Healthwatch Sheffield want to understand more about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on local people and their care and support and are asking you to complete their survey. Their findings will help local decision makers decide how to improve services in the future.

  • #blacklivesmatter


    Disability Sheffield is outraged by the murder of George Floyd and stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in speaking out against racial injustices and inequalities faced by BAME communities around the world.

    We commit to addressing and challenging racism in all of our work. We will work to better understand the particular inequalities and barriers BAME disabled people face in Sheffield and work to dismantle these. We will work to become a more diverse organisation by making sure BAME people are better represented within our team. We want to be part of the solution.

  • Alterations to Lockdown Restrictions from this Weekend

    Alterations to Lockdown Restrictions from this Weekend

    Lockdown restrictions due to the coronavirus crisis are to be eased from this weekend – but some disabled people may still be left at a disadvantage. Read about ‘support bubbles’, shops reopening and having to wear face coverings on public transport from Monday 15 June and how the changes will affect you.

  • Sheffield's Outdoor City Survey 2020

    Sheffield's Outdoor City Survey 2020

    Sheffield City Council are asking everyone to help them to understand how important our local outdoor spaces are to you – from city parks to the Peak District – and what you like to do when you’re out and about.

  • Where to look for Easy Read Coronavirus Information

    Where to look for Easy Read Coronavirus Information

    There is a lot of guidance and information for the public about Coronavirus but where do you find Easy Read information if you have a learning disability or autism ? Just click on ‘Learning Disability’ or ‘Autism’ on our Disability Sheffield Cornavirus Information and Support page to take you to Easy Read information that will keep you up to date with the latest news.

  • Online Book Launches For Disability Activists' Work

    Online Book Launches For Disability Activists' Work

    Two of Britain’s best-known disability campaigners have very recently published this month detailing their views and experiences – and are hosting online launch events during the lockdown. Ellen Clifford and Bob Williams-Findlay are both veteran rights advocates who have fought many battles over the years.

  • Bread for Sheffield Provides You with Flour and Families with Food

    Bread for Sheffield Provides You with Flour and Families with Food

    The Coronavirus crisis has caused hardship for many families already struggling for food. St Mary’s Church and Community Centre has started the ‘Bread for Sheffield’ scheme so you can purchase flour ( and yeast ) from a range of top quality flours from Huskins at cost price and get baking again. Customers are asked to make a donation on top of the cost of the flour, 50% of which will go to the St Mary’s food box delivery scheme, and 50% will go to support local food banks.

  • Carers Week News from Sheffield Carer's Centre

    Carers Week News from Sheffield Carer's Centre

    There are 65,000 unpaid carers in Sheffield from the age of 5 to 95. Sheffield Carer’s Centre has taken the opportunity during Carers Week this week to say a huge thank you to all carers in Sheffield who provide so much invaluable support in the city, especially in these challenging times for everyone when the care and support provided by carers has been needed more than ever. Their Carer News Carers Week edition highlights their “Do you Care Campaign trying to reach people who do not recognise that they are carer, so that they know how to get support with their caring role.

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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks