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Blog Archive

  • 'Shocking Disparity' Over Blue Badge Approvals

    'Shocking Disparity' Over Blue Badge Approvals

    People with hidden disabilities and conditions such as autism and Parkinson’s Disease are much less likely to be approved for a Blue Badge, an investigation by the BBC has revealed. Of 109 councils who responded to a BBC Shared Data Unit Freedom of Information Request,80% across the UK had higher approval rates for physical conditions. In ten councils the disparity between physical and hidden conditions was more than 50%.

  • Tell Us What You Want To Know About Covid (A Quick Survey)

    Tell Us What You Want To Know About Covid (A Quick Survey)

    We have already got a really informative webpage with lots of information on Covid but we now have some funding to provide more specific information in more accessible formats.. We’d love it if you would help us to help you. We want to give you information about Covid that is accessible and relevant to you. Please answer our quick survey to let us know what you want and need.

  • Covid Vaccination Venues Update

    Covid Vaccination Venues Update

    Disability Sheffield has been working hard to raise the importance of accessibility at Covid-19 vaccination venues. The conversations and one site visit over the last week have helped to raise issues and suggest solutions so that everything flows more smoothly. Read the latest NHS Sheffield briefing on the vaccination rollout including FAQs highlighted by GPs and community groups.

  • What's Life Like for You Since Covid?

    What's Life Like for You Since Covid?

    Disability Sheffield is running a Zoom drop in every 2 weeks for disabled people to come along and share your experiences both good and bad about what life’s been like for you since the pandemic started. Don’t be alone, come and join us (with a cuppa) to keep us in the loop of how COVID restrictions are affecting you. The next drop ins are on Monday 18 January and Monday 1 February from 11am -12noon.

  • Advocacy Worker Vacancy

    Advocacy Worker Vacancy

    Disability Sheffield is looking to recruit an advocacy worker to our team which seeks to provide an accessible high quality advocacy service to disabled people in Sheffield, including providing advocacy for the Deaf Community. The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 15th February 2021. Interviews will be held on Monday 22nd February 2021.

  • Updated Guidance for 'Clinically Extremely Vulnerable' during New Lockdown

    Updated Guidance for 'Clinically Extremely Vulnerable' during New Lockdown

    Government guidance for people who have been identified as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ was updated on 7th January. Letters are being sent to everyone in this group. You are advised not to go to the shops or to a pharmacy and to register for additional support. COVID-19 case numbers are now very high and rising rapidly across the country, driven by the new variant of COVID-19.Everyone in England, including those who are clinically extremely vulnerable, is required to follow the new national Stay at Home lockdown guidance.

  • Get Yourself Active at Home – New Timetable

    Get Yourself Active at Home – New Timetable

    With another lockdown taking place at the moment, finding ways of staying fit and healthy while stopping indoors has become imperative. Disability Rights UK has teamed up with Sense and Durham University to produce pre-recorded videos aimed at supporting disabled people to get active at home during the coronavirus outbreak. The new Get Yourself Active at Home timetable – with new workouts released regularly until the end of February – is now available!

  • Direct Payments Survey

    Direct Payments Survey

    Sheffield City Council has asked us to conduct a survey to help them improve the direct payments system. They want people who use direct payments to say what they think about what works well and what doesn’t. They want to find out from people who don’t use direct payments about the barriers to taking them up and any barriers that might affect take-up by particular groups of people. Please fill in our survey to help shape the future of direct payments in Sheffield.The survey is open until 25th January 2021.

  • Looking Ahead with Sight Loss

    Looking Ahead with Sight Loss

    Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind and Rotherham Sight and Sound are offering a free twice weekly ‘Looking Ahead’ course, delivered by Zoom during January and February, for people who are newly diagnosed or living with sight loss.

  • Financial Impact of Covid-19 on Disabled People

    Financial Impact of Covid-19 on Disabled People

    The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an independent social change organisation working to solve UK poverty, has issued this new report saying that disabled people on ‘legacy’ benefits (Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker’s Allowance and Income Support) are losing out on government support during the Coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile Sheffield City Council has reported there is a low uptake for their Covid-19 Emergency Assistance Grant and is urging people to apply. If you need support to apply you can call the council on their dedicated helpline number on 0114 273 4567 .

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks