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What's Life Like for You Since Covid?

What's Life Like for You Since Covid?

Disability Sheffield is running a Zoom drop in every 2 weeks for people to come and share their experiences both good and bad about what life’s like for you since the pandemic started. Whether you come to share some good news or bad bits where you’re struggling, we can help by sharing your experiences. Don’t be alone, come and join us (with a cuppa) to keep us in the loop of how COVID restrictions are affecting you.

We’re keen to hear about your everyday experiences, how Covid has affected what you do, how you feel, and generally what it’s been like for you. What are the key issues that need focusing on? Some of the main themes might be shared with the council where they might be able to help.

The fortnightly drop ins are alternate Mondays from 11am -12noon and the next sessions are on Monday 18 January and Monday 1 February. Please email james.martin@disabilitysheffield.org.uk for the Zoom details and let us know you’re coming!


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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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