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  • Sheffield Mencap's Carer Outreach and Workshops

    Sheffield Mencap's Carer Outreach and Workshops

    Sheffield Mencap and Gateway has released details of new Carers Outreach Sessions and workshops designed to support unpaid carers for adults with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism.These include emergency planning, Health Passports and Sharing Caring Drop-in sessions.

  • Thank you , Christmas Party Poppers

    Thank you , Christmas Party Poppers

    Our Christmas Party on 20 December at Crookes Social Club was a fantastic evening and we’d like to say thank you to everyone who came along . We raised just under £400 but more importantly nearly 70 people attended including quite a lot of people who would not normally go to live music events but felt that our event was accessible for them.Special thanks to Morris from Crookes Social Club who is a star and so generous offering us the venue for free; to Pitball Panda and Yo Dymo for offering their time and fab music for free and not forgetting our favourite DJs Tom and Mark, thank you both for helping to make the party so memorable.

  • Help Healthwatch Sheffield Focus their Priorities

    Help Healthwatch Sheffield Focus their Priorities

    Healthwatch Sheffield want to identify what issues and areas they should focus on in the next few years and want to hear from members of the public about what is important to you. Please fill in their short survey and let them know what you think are the key issues in health and social care in Sheffield. Your responses will influence Healthwatch Sheffield’s priorities over the next 2-3 years, as well as informing other work that they do, such as raising issues at meetings and visiting services.

  • Still Time to Get Involved In The Big City Conversation.

    Still Time to Get Involved In The Big City Conversation.

    Do you want the chance to tell Sheffield City Council what your hope and concerns about the city are? Well time is running out to take part in a major viewfinding exercise, To give your views you can attend a number of Big City Conversation events from 10 – 25 January )or give your views in an electronic survey which closed on 17 January.

  • Northern Ballet In Motion Taster Sessions

    Northern Ballet In Motion Taster Sessions

    One of our members, Cath Sorsby,( pictured right ) is a big fan of Northern Ballet In Motion” and has attended their dance classes in Leeds for wheelchair users for a number of years. Cath recently told us that their next taster sessions are on 12th Jan 2020, and 22nd March 2020.

  • Having a Dementia Friendly Approach this Christmas Time

    Having a Dementia Friendly Approach this Christmas Time

    Some people living with dementia in their lives can find the festive season difficult for a number of reasons. Natasha Wilson, Dementia Advice Sheffield Partnership Officer and Age UK Sheffield’s Wellbeing Centre Lead, has written a blog with advice and ideas about how you can ensure that Christmas is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for a person living with dementia as well as their carers, friends and family.

  • What It's Like Being Disabled In Britain Today?

    What It's Like Being Disabled In Britain Today?

    As the year closes the Office for National Statistics has released a series of statistics called ‘Being Disabled In 2019’. There are seven subsets of data covering disabled people’s experiences of: Wellbeing, Employment, Loneliness, Education, Social Participation, Housing and Crime that Disability Rights UK have designed into a series of graphs.

  • 'It's SSKIN' If You Get A Pressure Ulcer

    'It's SSKIN' If You Get A Pressure Ulcer

    A group of community NHS staff have created and performed an adapted version of the hit Pet Shop Boys song ‘It’s a Sin’ to raise awareness of pressure ulcer prevention. Community staff from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH) recorded their version of the song, retitled as ‘It’s SSKIN’, at studios in the city centre. It has already had more than 5,000 views on YouTube.

  • Community Safety Lifewise Sessions

    Community Safety Lifewise Sessions

    The Lifewise Centre are holding two open sessions on Thursday 20th February for community groups, social groups or individuals who work or support adults (18+) with special educational needs or learning difficulties. The sessions allow participants with support to practice life skills within a safe environment i.e. road safety, online safety, home fire safety, shopping etc. All activities will take place on their interactive life like set where participants can practice skills at their own pace. Booking is essential.

  • Carer Survey : Healthwatch Sheffield

    Carer Survey : Healthwatch Sheffield

    Healthwatch Sheffield are working with the Carers Centre, Young Carers and the Parent Carer Forum to find out about the experiences of carers in Sheffield when they go to the GP. Do you find it hard to get an appointment? Does the doctor show understanding of your caring role and how it impacts on you? Do they link you to the right services to help you? Healthwatch want to hear about all your experiences.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks