28 June 2020
Sheffield performers are among the acts taking part in a new online festival to promote disability rights during the lockdown, which will be taking place from 3-6pm on Saturday July 11th. Jon McClure from locally-based chart band Reverend And The Makers” is one of those involved in the World Independent Living Day (WILD) as is new act Rita Resistance (pictured). WILD describes itself as “a long-term initiative to reimagine the transformation to an inclusive society with Independent Living being a central part of that vision.”
FULL ARTICLE23 June 2020
For the last few months during the Coronavirus outbreak , we have been told to stay at home as much as possible to keep ourselves safe . There has been a variety of guidance around keeping physically active, as well as a variety of content created for disabled people and for people who may be unable to leave the house around getting active at home. Get Yourself Active and Sense are asking you to take part in their survey on keeping active.
FULL ARTICLE22 June 2020
New findings from the NHS show that four in ten people are so concerned about being a burden on the NHS, that it has stopped them from seeking help from their GP during the covid-19 outbreak. NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is encouraging people to seek help from their GP if they are concerned about changes to their health or body saying “ You aren’t wasting our time, essential NHS services continue to be here for you during the pandemic and please be reassured that special measures are in place within GP services for the safety of patients and staff “.
FULL ARTICLE22 June 2020
Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group have published the ‘Sheffield Inclusion Strategy’ setting out their commitments to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) . The local area SEND inspection in November 2018 identified significant weaknesses.
FULL ARTICLE19 June 2020
Sense is a national organisation working to support deafblind people, and anyone with complex disabilities.During the Coronavirus outbreak Sense is offering Arts, Sport and Wellbeing activity timetables which you can sign up to and book in advance.
FULL ARTICLE18 June 2020
A planned BBC2 documentary on hate crime is looking for disabled people who have been the target of it to recount their experiences on camera. The forthcoming programme -made by a disabled filmmaker – also intends to cover the current COVID-19 pandemic and the effect it is having on disabled people.
FULL ARTICLE18 June 2020
Keep Safe , an organisation that offers easy read information and UK guidance about coronavirus, has issued a series of cards for disabled people to show they are exempt from wearing face coverings on public transport since new rules came into force on 15 June. Travel South Yorkshire’s Journey Assistance Cards also includes a card stating ‘I am Exempt from wearing a Face Covering’.
FULL ARTICLE18 June 2020
A new support line has been launched to help young people with issues such as low mood, anxious thoughts and loneliness or challenges such as exam stress, relationship issues, bullying or isolation. Youth charity Sheffield Futures, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust have come together to create the support line for young people in the city aged 12–18 .
FULL ARTICLE17 June 2020
The Office for National Statistics has published its second statistical bulletin in the series Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain, . Amongst other findings the report shows disabled people were more likely to report that the pandemic and its effects are negatively impacting their mental health compared to non-disabled people and are also more likely to report they feel lonely. Disabled people are much less likely to report having left their home to exercise or to work, and are twice as likely to say they feel very unsafe outside their home compared to non- disabled people.You can also read the general findings from a recent survey on Shielding carried out by Disability Rights UK saying that disabled people feel isolated, alone and forgotten.
FULL ARTICLE17 June 2020
Gig Buddies” is a programme run by national charity Stay Up Late, that supports people with learning disabilities to see live music through their volunteering befriending service.In response to the Coronavirus lockdown, Gig Buddies has brought many of its services online including; virtual coffee mornings, art clubs, evening socials and @Coronavirusfest – a virtual music festival to keep their beneficiaries, supporters and general public connected through music.