02 September 2020
The Office for National Statistics has released its third set of data showing the impacts of Coronavirus on disabled people during July – revealing that disabled people were more likely to go out to attend medical appointments or take care of others than non-disabled people, and less likely to be socialising and eating out.
FULL ARTICLE02 September 2020
The Department for Works and Pensions has published updated guidance explaining that during the Coronavirus outbreak you can still get help from Access to Work if you have a disability or a physical or mental health condition that makes it hard for you to do your job. You may be able to get extra help with working from home, at your normal workplace, or a combination of both.
FULL ARTICLE02 September 2020
The Department for Work and Pensions has entered into a legal agreement with the Equality and Human Rights Commission to improve their provision for deaf claimants who contact them by telephone. The DWP has committed to an action plan to address problems complainants identified. The EHRC will monitor the action plan on a monthly basis to ensure the agreed steps have been completed.
FULL ARTICLE02 September 2020
Due to the impact of COVID-19 the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals are leading on a project to develop a new online learning tool for care workers who support people with neurological conditions.From October Neurocare KnowHow is hosting online co-design workshops and looking for people living with a neurological condition, their PAs and family members interested in taking part.There will be later opportunities to be involved in filming and testing the resource.
FULL ARTICLE01 September 2020
Sheffield City Council is seeking comments on their new proposed development plan for Sheffield which will last until 2038. The call for feedback is open to everyone who would like to comment on the future growth of Sheffield – whether you are a resident, a business, a community group, a worker or someone who invests in the city.The consultation closes on 13 October 2020.
FULL ARTICLE25 August 2020
If you’re a care worker, an unpaid carer or receive care have you been inspired to get creative during these extremely challenging times? Sheffield University is looking for entries to ‘I’ll be here in the morning’, a digital exhibition celebrating our community of care and designed to “give a voice to the unheard and put faces to the unseen”. The deadline for submissions is 20 September.
FULL ARTICLE24 August 2020
Disability rights campaigner Caroline Richardson and Dr Simon Duffy, founder and director of the Sheffield-based ‘Centre For Welfare Reform’ are co-authors of a new proposal for a universal Basic Income Plus. The authors would like to hear your views on their proposal of a basic income that identifies additional bolt-ons for long term illness, disability, and caring.
FULL ARTICLE21 August 2020
At Disability Sheffield we appreciate actions speak louder than words. It is not enough for us to say we support the Black Lives Matter movement, instead we must demonstrate our commitment to making sure we are not part of the problem. We have started out on this journey by setting up a focus group to identify any racism in our organisation so this can be correctly addressed.
FULL ARTICLE20 August 2020
Sheffield City Council has commissioned the Endorphins Group to supply a fully funded key worker service to assist clients aged 18+ who are unemployed or economically inactive.Lead Worker Paul says “Our staff have worked with people who have been held back because others have seen their disability and not their potential. We believe in challenging society’s stereotypes and supporting everyone to reach their goals and see just what they can do.”
FULL ARTICLE19 August 2020
People claiming benefits often reach out for advice on how to deal with the system – but unfortunately not all advisors are honest and exploit benefit claimants to make money while providing poor or non-existent support. Activist group Disabled People Against Cuts is asking people to tell them about their experiences as they launch a campaign to try to stop these sharks. DPAC has also issued its own advice about selecting a benefits advisor preferably from Citizens Advice.
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Andrew Crooks
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