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  • Looking Ahead with Sight Loss

    Looking Ahead with Sight Loss

    Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind and Rotherham Sight and Sound are offering a free twice weekly ‘Looking Ahead’ course, delivered by Zoom during January and February, for people who are newly diagnosed or living with sight loss.

  • Financial Impact of Covid-19 on Disabled People

    Financial Impact of Covid-19 on Disabled People

    The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an independent social change organisation working to solve UK poverty, has issued this new report saying that disabled people on ‘legacy’ benefits (Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker’s Allowance and Income Support) are losing out on government support during the Coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile Sheffield City Council has reported there is a low uptake for their Covid-19 Emergency Assistance Grant and is urging people to apply. If you need support to apply you can call the council on their dedicated helpline number on 0114 273 4567 .

  • New Singing for the Brain Sessions

    New Singing for the Brain Sessions

    A new singing group for people with dementia is starting free online sessions on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2pm starting on Wednesday 13th January , offering a friendly opportunity to sing a variety of well known songs. Singing is known to help stimulate the minds of people with dementia and there will also be a series of fun vocal exercises to improve brain activity and wellbeing.

  • January Grab and Go and Be Health Aware Sessions

    January Grab and Go and Be Health Aware Sessions

    Speakup are continuing to raise awareness about their new Covid 19 Grab and Go sheet . If you have a learning disability or autism and need to go into hospital because of Coronavirus the Grab and Go sheet gives the information doctors and nurses need. Online sessions are scheduled for 19th & 20th January.

  • Season's Greeting from Staff, Volunteers and Trustees at Disability Sheffield

    Season's Greeting from Staff, Volunteers and Trustees at Disability Sheffield

    We all know it’s been a difficult year and we hope that you and yours keep well and safe over the festive period leading to hopefully a brighter outlook in 2021! Please note that our office will close from 12 noon Christmas Eve and reopen on Monday 4 January 2021 but phone messages will be responded to for emergency PPE requests.

  • Staying Inn at Christmas

    Staying Inn at Christmas

    You don’t need to be lonely this Christmas, even if you happen to be spending it alone. Instead why not have some fun in a virtual pub which aims to be accessible to everyone? The Staying Inn was set up to keep people in self-isolation connected during Covid-19 and will be holding several events over the festive season.

  • Santa's Surprise and Our Thanks

    Santa's Surprise and Our Thanks

    Everyone loves a surprise in their Christmas stocking. Thanks to the crotchet and felting skills and kind efforts of our staff and volunteers we’ve been enclosing a little surprise Christmas tree decoration into our PPE deliveries. Your responses were very heartwarming to hear back, thank you. We’d also like to say thank you to our volunteer PPE delivery drivers who have made over 800 deliveries. Without their hard work hundreds of disabled people in Sheffield would be without PPE, and consequently without the vital care and support their PAs and carers provide. Thank you!

  • Sheffield Voices Seen On Video

    Sheffield Voices Seen On Video

    Our learning disability self-advocacy group, Sheffield Voices, has uploaded three videos which they’ve produced as a result of their events celebrating the International Day Of Disabled People earlier this month. The first video looks back in history at how people with learning disabilities were treated, the second is about the seven keys to citizenship and last but not least the third video is a public forum where people were invited to come along to talk about Human Rights and hear about the work done by Sheffield Voices.

  • Planning a Safe Christmas

    Planning a Safe Christmas

    Sheffield City Council has issued advice on staying safe this Christmas. This takes the form of a video in which Greg Fell, Director of Public Health in the city, goes through ten helpful principals for you to carefully consider whilst planning your Christmas arrangements.The government’s revised message is that a smaller Christmas is a safer Christmas, and a shorter Christmas is a safer Christmas.

  • 'Arts' Commissioning for Professional Disabled Artists

    'Arts' Commissioning for Professional Disabled Artists

    To mark the 25th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act, BBC Arts, Arts Council England, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Arts Council of Wales and Creative Scotland have launched a new ‘Culture in Quarantine’ commissioning round to celebrate the work of disabled, D/deaf and neurodiverse artists. Applications are now open until 12 noon on Tuesday 12 January 2021.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks