08 November 2018
Are you autistic, or do you have friends and family members who are and want to find out more about problems you or they may encounter and how to work towards solving them? Join David Panther at his’Autism Acceptance’course on 14th & 18th November which Sheffield Autistic Society has described as “giving a true insight into the lived experience of an autistic person and being a valuable illustration of why Autism Awareness in society is not enough”.
FULL ARTICLE07 November 2018
Social Work England have announced the appointment of Hemingway Design to develop their visual identity and communicate their mission.As part of the ‘design and build phase’ you can help to shape Social Work England’s identity as a new modern regulator for the social work profession by completing an online questionnaire.
FULL ARTICLE01 November 2018
The DWP has begun the process of reviewing Employment Support Allowance cases to identify those that could be affected and pay arrears. Disability Rights UK Deputy CEO Sue Bott said, “the DWP has spent five years trying to hide behind constructing a legal argument as to why they shouldn’t pay up despite the hardship they have caused to tens of thousands of disabled people. We urge the DWP to urgently ensure all underpayments are rectified as soon as possible. Enough is enough.”
FULL ARTICLE31 October 2018
Disability Rights UK (DRUK) has summarised the key points of the Budget 2018 for disabled people if you wish to see an overview. As a ‘no deal Brexit’ is still a possibility next March’s Spring Statement could be upgraded to a full Budget – this could mean that some of the Budget 2018 proposals detailed could be amended.
FULL ARTICLE31 October 2018
A bus driver in Paris who ordered his passengers off to let a wheelchair user on his vehicle has been praised by disability groups. Francois Le Berre, who has multiple sclerosis, was in danger of being left stranded at his stop when the other passengers refused to move to enable him to take up one of the bus’s two wheelchair-accessible spots, until the driver intervened…..
FULL ARTICLE31 October 2018
Voluntary Action Sheffield is hailing the city’s ‘quiet heroes’ at an awards ceremony next month – and you are welcome to attend. The annual celebration honours the individuals and organisations working to make a difference to the lives of people and communities in the area.The ceremony takes place from 7-11pm on Thursday November 22nd at the Octagon Centre.
FULL ARTICLE31 October 2018
Sheffield City Council is setting up its new Equality Objectives, and is looking for individuals and organisations willing to help by being consulted.The council is required to set at least one Equality Objective every four years but this time has decided to set up four, each with a set of three or more aims, in a bid to make the city equal for all.
FULL ARTICLE30 October 2018
In 2017, Healthwatch Sheffield launched #SpeakUp Small Grants aimed at local not for profit, third sector, voluntary or community groups, to enable them to run projects that help local people share their experiences of health and care services in Sheffield. DAWS Community Gym held an ‘Ampu Tea & Chat’ session to obtain feedback from service users at Northern General Hospital’s Mobility and Specialised Rehabilitation Centre.
FULL ARTICLE30 October 2018
The Friendly Resource Company together with people with learning disabilities and people with autism, with the support of a grant from Awards for All, have developed a workbook including a quiz and videos about the life risks people take every day ,helping people to consider how best to lessen these risks and keep as safe as possible.
FULL ARTICLE24 October 2018
Fancy an evening of rock’n‘roll to help raise money for charities including Disability Sheffield? We are very grateful to again be named as a beneficiary at Taptonfest, a fundraising evening of rock’n‘roll music including a pie and pea supper at Tapton Hall on Saturday November 17, from 6.30-11pm, organised by The Rotary Club Of Sheffield Vulcan.
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Andrew Crooks
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