10 December 2018
Following shocking revelations of £15.3 million in bonuses paid out to top executives at Motability Operations and questions raised by the House of Commons Work and Pensions and Treasury select committees, the report considers the Motability scheme’s customer offer and performance; the scheme’s financial model, its impact and profitability; and the governance of the scheme and remuneration of Motability Operations’ senior management.
FULL ARTICLE10 December 2018
60 extraordinary people with learning disabilities and/or autism who are helping to make society better for everyone are being celebrated in Dimensions’ annual leaders list.
FULL ARTICLE06 December 2018
Tess Daly, Disability Sheffield’s Individual Employer Project Co-ordinator, appears alongside Rita Ora and Cara Delevine in an emotive film made by cosmetics giant “Rimmel London”, detailing authentic stories of being on the receiving end of beauty cyber-bullying.Last year, 115 million images were deleted from social media because of beauty cyberbullying. The #IWILLNOTBEDELETED campaign,aims to take a stand against this trend.
FULL ARTICLE06 December 2018
Healthwatch Sheffield – your local consumer watchdog for health and social care services – has published its latest newsletter, which includes a reminder that voluntary and community groups will be to apply from 19 December for their #Speak Up grant, to receive up to £500 to carry out creative and impactful engagement work within communities.
FULL ARTICLE06 December 2018
You are invited to take part in a consultation about Sheffield City Council’s spending. The council is planning to set a budget and council tax rates in March and April next year and wants to hear your views before then. The consultation closes on January 11 2019.
FULL ARTICLE06 December 2018
Specialist keyworkers for people with mental health problems and learning disabilities in Sheffield have teamed up to host a Christmas event aimed at helping individuals find their vocation. Big Ambitions and Mencap will be co-hosting the event on Thursday 13th December between 12pm-2pm at the Exchange Brewery, 2 Bridge Street, Sheffield, S3 8NS.
FULL ARTICLE04 December 2018
Look no further ! Our very own Sheffield Voices learning disability group has launched a new fundraising Christmas card ( see picture ) featuring a festive drawing by members of the group with the message: ‘A time for happiness, time for friendship, a time for loved ones. Happy Christmas for all.” Very festive !
FULL ARTICLE28 November 2018
Disabled people and people living with a long-term health condition are being asked to rate their treatment by health and social care services in a survey set up by the Care Quality Commission. The CQC plan to shape future policy with the information captured in this survey.
FULL ARTICLE28 November 2018
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, MP, has officially opened the new Stroke Pathway Assessment and Rehabilitation Centre at Norfolk Park.The Minister was joined by staff and patients at an official ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the opening of the centre, which ensures patients who are not able to be discharged straight home from hospital receive specialist rehabilitative support, 24 hours a day, at a critical point in their recovery.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2018
Disability Sheffield is in store on 3rd December to highlight the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. We are proud and grateful to be the Local Charity Of The Year for Sainsbury’s Division Street branch and we’ll be there with an information stall from 11am to 2pm.Having a presence in the store is a great opportunity for Sainsbury’s customers calling in over lunchtime to meet the faces behind our logo ,find out all about our work in the city and the services we offer and for us to say thank you in person.
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Andrew Crooks
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