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Try Out a Trike With This Super Loan Scheme

Try Out a Trike With This Super Loan Scheme

Do you fancy cycling but think you would find two wheels a bit precarious? Well, did you know that you can borrow a more stable three-wheeled variety?

Sheffield Cycling 4 All, a project run by Disability Sheffield, has been running inclusive all-ability sessions in Hillsborough Park for the last decade, although these are not taking place at the moment due to the lockdown. And last year Sheffield City Region kindly funded four electric assist tricycles to be lent out to anyone who can’t ride a two-wheeled bike.

Until then, many disabled cyclists in Sheffield had only been able to access cycling at our sessions in Hillsborough Park, but with this scheme, more people are able to experience cycling as a mobility aid
with all the independence, freedom and confidence that this brings. The trikes are potentially much faster than a mobility scooter and with a battery range of over 20 miles they offer the chance for people to venture further afield independently than they might otherwise have been able to do.

The trikes are available for a loan of up to three months and the first people to take advantage of the scheme have given their verdicts.

Jane, the first person to borrow a trike, said: “The e-trike has given me quite a new lease of life and lifted my spirits tremendously whilst riding it. I’ve found it so exhilarating and much better, easier exercise for me than walking any distance. I try to limit use of the motor but it’s certainly very handy on hills and opens up various further options on where I’m able to cycle from home.”

Another borrower, David, added: “I enjoyed riding the trike immensely, the freedom and speed it gave me was invigorating. My best journey was Rivelin Valley Road, open space and relatively flat cycling.” However, he added: “Unlike 2 wheels it is more difficult filtering through traffic and required me to queue with the vehicles when no cycle path was available. Most cycle lanes are not wide enough.”

Jinan had similar feedback, commenting: “It was good to have the opportunity to go out, to exercise and to move but you can’t put them on buses so you need to be willing to cycle a lot. I didn’t like the cars. Better if there was more space for a tricycle.”

SC4A is also campaigning for better infrastructure to make cycling more accessible They are asking anyone who borrows a trike to take photographs of inaccessible spots, which will then be forwarded to Sheffield City Council.

The trikes received from SCR are too big for many people to fit in the house unless they have a garage or a shed, and certainly too big to put in the back of a car. So, in September 2020, with some funding from Sport England and from the locally based Tramlines festival, SC4A purchased two folding E-trikes. which may be more suitable for some people.

If you are disabled and interested in borrowing a trike or indeed in any other activities organised by SC4A, you can get in touch through the website, emailing
info@sheffieldcycling4all.org or telephoning 07922 183 338



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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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