This briefing paper by the Institute for Public Policy Research ( IPPR ) examines the impact of the pandemic, following decades of increasing regional inequalities, on the lives of disabled people across the north of England. It finds that the pandemic has had a significant impact on disabled people. Not only has it amplified existing inequalities that impact disabled people, it has also brought to light new challenges in terms of access to health, education and support in the workplace. Prior to the pandemic, they say, a concerted effort to shrink the state in the name of austerity over the course of the previous decade had left public services unable to properly support disabled people. The IPPR data presented here suggests that policymakers, if they are serious about ‘building back better’, must now create a resilient state that provides equal opportunity. Their conclusions emphasise that now is the time for policymakers to act and ensure that disabled people have equal access to opportunity across the North and the rest of the UK.
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