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Supertram Rail Replacement - Suspensions to Service

Supertram rails are set to be replaced throughout Sheffield with work starting in late May and running to mid September.

This will mean that replacement bus services will operate where tram services are suspended. There are five ‘Areas of Work’ planned across various locations of the City and the location will change upon completion of each Area.

The Areas of Work are as follows:

Area 1: 26th May – 15th June – Hillsborough to Middlewood

Area 2: 23rd June – 8th August – Birley Lane to Halfway

Area 3: 10th August – 19th August – Gleadless Townend to Herdings Park

Area 4: 25th August – 2nd September & 8th/9th September – Gleadless Townend to Halfway and Herdings Park

Area 5: 10th September – 14th September – Donetsk Way to Halfway

The Rail Replacement Works Brief Guide contains more detailed information regarding the works in your area.

For the most up to date information on Supertram disruptions and changes to services, you can view the Supertram Twitter account, and the Travel South Yorkshire Alerts Twitter account.

Additionally, the Travel South Yorkshire disruptions page details known current and upcoming disruptions. You can also contact the Travel South Yorkshire Traveline on 1709 51 51 51 for general travel information.

Given the difference in the number of wheelchair spaces available between a tram and a bus, we feel it is yet to be seen how successful the bus replacement services will be for physically disabled travellers. If you need to report any issues ring the Traveline on 01709 51 51 51 or Supertram Enquiries on 0114 272 82 82.



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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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