Social Work England will be the new, specialist regulator for all child, family and adult social workers in England. Their main objective will be to protect the public by setting the standards for social workers, ensuring they meet those standards, are fully qualified and remain fit to practise.
Social Work England have announced the appointment of Hemingway Design to develop their visual identity and communicate their mission. Hemingway Design are a “multi-disciplinary design agency committed to working with people through co-design and listening who use community focused methods to deliver socially-responsible design.”
As part of the ‘design and build phase’ you can help to shape Social Work England’s identity as a new modern regulator for the social work profession by completing an online questionnaire.
Hemingway Design says “This questionnaire is designed to gather insight that will be used to inform the values and narrative behind our design. Help us shape the future of an organisation that will represent all social workers across the country. Your responses are invaluable to us on our mission to understand your experience, aspirations and ideas.”
If you’d like to give your views please complete the design questionnaire at the end of this link