Have you had recent experiences of accessing or trying to access Mental Health Services in Sheffield (in the last 2 years)?
Would you like to use your experience to help improve services in the future?
If so, Sheffield Council would like you to take part in their survey as part of their call for evidence for the Joint Scrutiny Review of Mental Health Services.
What is the call for evidence?
The Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee and the Children, Young People and Family Support Scrutiny Committee, have come together to establish a joint review group on Mental Health Services.
Their aim is to gather important evidence on how people access these services and to use this evidence for future work programmes. They have therefore issued a call for evidence, aimed at people who have accessed or tried to access mental health services in the last 2 years.
To respond to the call for evidence please Click Here. This call for evidence will be live until Friday 8th March 2019.
Discussions have already taken place, at an early stage of the review, with the Cross Hub Health Working Group and their input influenced the content of this call for evidence.
How can you or your organisation get involved?
- You can complete the online survey, either as an individual or as a group on behalf of your members.
- You can encourage your members to take part in the survey – the more evidence received the greater the chance of influencing services positively
- You can forward this request to others – groups or individuals – who may be interested
- You can submit evidence directly to the Review Group, see contact details below.
- You can invite members of the Review Group to one of your group’s meetings, to discuss the issues, or you can ask to attend the next available meeting of the Review Group to present some evidence.
If you would like to know more about this review, the call for evidence or Scrutiny in Sheffield, contact Deborah Glen on 0114 273 5065, or email Scrutiny@sheffield.gov.uk