Sheffield City Region has launched Sheffield City Region’s Active Travel Map . This online tool is for people from across South Yorkshire to share their experiences of walking and cycling in their area.They would particularly like to hear from :
- People who already walk and cycle
- People who want to work and cycle but do not feel able to
- Commuters
- Parents
- People with mobility issues
- Disabled People
Comments will then be used, alongside those already gathered from transport and planning experts, to help plan the Sheffield City Region Active Travel Network. This network will be planned with people, not cars, as the priority, with routes that are safe and accessible for all.
Dame Sarah Storey, Britain’s most successful female Paralympian, was appointed as Active Travel Commissioner for the Sheffield City Region by Mayor Dan Jarvis.
Having started her professional athlete career in the pool, Sarah began cycling in 2005. To date, she’s won 14 gold medals for Great Britain and 76 World Champion titles.
Sarah says “I’m delighted to share with you the opportunity to contribute to our mission of creating the best region-wide network for active travel.
This map is for everyone who lives or works in the Sheffield City Region and I want to hear from everyone about their experience of the roads and footways as they are now.
For those who already make journeys on foot or by bike, for the many multitude of reasons that you do, I want to hear about these journeys. How could they be improved?
For those who are unable to leave their car behind and feel they currently have no choice but to drive, I want to hear about the barriers to the choice you are making and what changes could be made to give you the option of choosing to make your shortest journeys on foot, or even one day by bike.
For those parents who struggle with buggies and worry about when their toddlers want to run on ahead, or the teenagers who don’t feel safe walking to school and people using wheelchairs or have mobility aids, what are your journeys like now? And how could they be improved and made safer? Do you face challenges on what should be the simplest of journeys?
This map is for everyone to make a contribution, which will allow my team and I to improve the region’s roads and footways for the future. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and experiences, don’t forget to contribute to the conversation on Twitter by following