Rate It! is a new website that offers disabled and older people a space to share their views and reviews of products (both specialist and mainstream) that can help to make life easier.
The reviews are written by real people from the Rate it! community of reviewers, and because it’s a pilot project, they really need you to get involved.
Disabled people are encouraged to share their product reviews on Rate it!, read other people’s reviews and tell others about it too.
The aim is to build a thriving community of product reviewers who can help each other to research, choose and buy the products that will work best for them. Why not get started now and add your review here?
Rate it! has been developed in partnership by the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RiDC), the Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living (LCiL) and Enabled by Design with support from the Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning (DRILL) research programme funded by The Big Lottery Fund.