The Money Advice Service, an independent organisation set up to help people make the most of their money by giving free, impartial advice, have launched their new guide: Managing your money and paying your rent: How to make the most of your Universal Credit payment.
The guide is for people who want to know more about Universal Credit. It can help you:
- Make a new claim
- Use the right bank account to manage your money
- Work out how to pay your rent directly to your landlord
- Think about how to make a single payment last a month
- Set a budget to plan your spending
- Get online and feel confident using a computer
‘Managing money and paying your rent’ is just one of the guides available form the Money Advice Service. Their full range of guides can be seen here. You can also call the Money Advice Line on freephone 0800 138 7777, Typetalk 1800 1 0800 915 4622 .