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Latest on Plans to Ban Plastic Straws

The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) reports that following consultation between themselves and the UK Government, several exemptions have been announced to the Government’s plan to ban single-use plastic straws.

The SIA say they were able to convince the Government that “it would have an unjustifiably negative impact on Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) people who need access to plastic straws in order to maintain their ability to drink independently.”

The Government has now published its proposals for banning plastic straws, which will come in to force in England in April 2020. The SIA explain that “whilst the proposals are not ideal… they do contain exemptions that will ensure that we continue to have access to plastic straws.”

The Key exemptions for people with a Spinal Cord Injury are:


  • The sale of plastic straws will be restricted to registered pharmacies.
  • People with SCI will not be expected to “prove” that the straws fulfil an access need.

However, concerns were raised by SIA that limiting the sale to pharmacies only would reduce the amount of competition in the market and potentially lead to an increase in the price of straws.


  • Hospitality outlets will be permitted, but not compelled, to keep a stock of plastic straws out of public view that would be made available on request.
  • There is no requirement for people with SCI to “prove” that the straws fulfil an access need.

However, concerns have been raised regarding hospitality outlets not being required to provide straws upon request. SIA intend to explore whether a hospitality outlet that absolutely refuses to keep a stock of plastic straws even after they have been requested to do so may be liable to a disability discrimination claim.

Care Settings

  • Hospitals, care homes and any other care setting will be exempt from the ban

Do you use plastic straws to help you drink either at home, in a care setting or when you’re out and about? Do you think that the exemptions the government claim they will put in place will be sufficient to not negatively affect your ability to continue to use plastic straws? Let us know in the comments below.


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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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