There’s more to Europe than Brexit! The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is a European wide network for disabled people, independent living organisations and their non-disabled allies, on the issues of independent living.
ENIL works directly with disabled individuals, organisations (mainly Centres of Independent Living), politicians, social agents, media, the business world and any individual or organisation interested in learning about independent living, history, values, principles and practical application.
ENIL also publish news items on their website. Recent examples include articles on the fight for independent living in Italy and Sweden and UNIL’s Freedom Drive campaign, which lobbies and promotes the right to Independent Living, the right to Personal Assistance and the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.
ENIL are also promoting a survey into engagement with technology to assess whether there is a digital divide between young females with and without disabilities, which they encourage female readers aged 15-29 to fill in.