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Equality Hub Network Elections and Priorities

In September 2018 Equality Hub Network (EHN) members will be able to vote online for their Hubs’ Organising Group members. At the same time, they can also have their say on which priorities their Hub will focus on.

The roles that are up for election are for 2 years. If you would like to stand for election, you’ll need to submit a short statement by Friday 31 August, 5pm. More details are below.

EHN members will receive an email with the link to the ballot and their unique code. Voting will take place over the course of the week of 3 September 2018 to enable EHN members to participate when it’s convenient for them.

Results of the elections and the priority setting will be posted on the new Equality Hub Network website

Please note if you want to stand for election and/or vote, you must be an EHN member by the deadlines below. You can become a member by filling in a quick form. You can also fill in the form to check if you’re already a member.

Friday 31 August, 5pm – Deadline for candidate statements (and for candidates to become an EHN member if they’re not already)
•* Sunday 2 September, 11.59pm* – Deadline for non-EHN members to become EHN members in order to vote
Monday 3 September – Link to ballot and unique code emailed to EHN members
Monday 3 September to Sunday 9 SeptemberEHN members voting for Hub Organising Group members and priorities
Tuesday 11 September – Newly elected Hub Organising Group members notified
Thursday 13 September – Results of the election and priorities consultation posted on the EHN website.

Elected roles
This section outlines all of the elected roles within the Hubs. These make up the Hub Organising Groups.

Hub Organising Groups ensure their Hub focuses on the areas agreed by its Hub members. They also ensure that the wide range of views of its Hub members is represented. With the help of the Hub’s Support Organisation, the Organising Group produces their Hub’s Action Plan based on the priority issues agreed by Hub members.

Each Hub has discussed and agreed the roles that would enable their Organising Group to be most effective. Elections for all of these Hub Organising Group roles are held every 2 years.

Disability Hub
The 2 roles to be elected are:
• Disability Hub Representative/Chair (dual role) – This person must identify as a disabled person. They will be one of 2 people representing the Disability Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board. They will also facilitate Disability Hub meetings.
• Disability Hub Representative/Vice Chair (dual role) – This person must identify as a disabled person. They will be one of 2 people representing the Disability Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board. They will also facilitate Disability Hub meetings when the Disability Hub Chair is unable to.

Age Hub
The 3 roles to be elected are:
• Age Hub Representative – older people/Co-Chair (dual role) – This person must identify as an older person. They will be one of 2 people representing the Age Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board. They will also co-facilitate Age Hub meetings.
• Age Hub Representative – young people – This person must identify as a young person. They will be one of 2 people representing the Age Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.
• Age Hub Co-Chair – This person must identify as a young person. They will co-facilitate Age Hub meetings.

The 4 roles to be elected are:
BAMER Hub Chair – This person will facilitate BAMER Hub meetings.
BAMER Hub Vice Chair – This person will facilitate BAMER Hub meetings when the BAMER Hub Chair is unable to.
BAMER Hub Representative – This person must identify as Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic or refugee. They will be one of 2 people representing the BAMER Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.
BAMER Hub Representative – This person must identify as Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic or refugee. They will be one of 2 people representing the BAMER Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.

Carers’ Hub
The 2 roles to be elected are:
• Carers’ Hub Representative – adult carer – This person must identify as an adult carer. They will be one of 2 people representing the Carers’ Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.
• Carers’ Hub Representative – young carer – This person must identify as a young carer. They will be one of 2 people representing the Carers’ Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.

Please note, elections for these roles will take place at the next Carers’ Hub event on Thursday 1 November.

The 4 roles to be elected are:
LGBT+ Hub Chair – This person will facilitate LGBT+ Hub meetings.
LGBT+ Hub Vice Chair – This person will facilitate LGBT+ Hub meetings when the LGBT+ Hub Chair is unable to.
LGBT+ Hub Representative – This person must identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or other sexual orientation that is not heterosexual/straight or gender identity that is not binary. They will be one of 2 people representing the LGBT+ Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.
LGBT+ Hub Representative – This person must identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or other sexual orientation that is not heterosexual/straight or gender identity that is not binary. They will be one of 2 people representing the LGBT+ Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.

Religion/Belief/No Belief Hub
The 2 roles to be elected are:
• Religion/Belief/No Belief Hub Representative – religious belief – This person must identify as having a religious belief. They will be one of 2 people representing the Religion/Belief/No Belief Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.
• Religion/Belief/No Belief Hub Representative – no religious belief – This person must identify as having no religious belief. They will be one of 2 people representing the Religion/Belief/No Belief Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.

Women’s Hub
The 4 roles to be elected are:
• Women’s Hub Chair – This person will facilitate Women’s Hub meetings.
• Women’s Hub Vice Chair – This person will facilitate Women’s Hub meetings when the Women’s Hub Chair is unable to.
• Women’s Hub Representative – This person must identify as a women. She will be one of 2 women representing the Women’s Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.
• Women’s Hub Representative – This person must identify as a women. She will be one of 2 women representing the Women’s Hub at the Equality Hub Network Board.

How to stand for election
EHN members who would like to stand for election need to submit a short statement to info@equalityhubnetwork.org with the subject ‘Candidate statement’. The statement should be no more than 200 words and include the following information:
• Candidate’s name
• Hub name
• Which role standing for
• What the candidate can bring to the role

The deadline for candidate statements is 5pm on Friday 31 August.

In order to stand for election, a candidate must be an EHN member by the statement deadline above. People can become a member (or check if they already are) by filling in a quick form.

Candidates can receive support with their statement from the Hub’s Support Organisation. Candidates can contact Support Organisations through the Hub pages on the EHN website.
Alternatively, they can email info@equalityhubnetwork.org..

How to vote
EHN members will be emailed a link to the ballot and their unique code that they must enter on their ballot. This is to help ensure EHN members only vote once.

Statements from the candidates standing for election will be included with the ballot.

Voting will take place online over the course of the week of 3 September 2018 and will close at 11.59pm on Sunday 9 September. EHN members don’t have to complete the ballot all at once – they can start voting on one day, save their work and finish voting on another day. However, they must submit their ballot by 11.59pm on Sunday 9 September.

EHN members will be able to vote for candidates and priorities for each Hub they self-define with. For example, if an EHN member self-defines as a disabled person, they can vote for candidates standing for the Disability Hub Organising Group roles and for the priorities they want the Disability Hub to focus on.

In order to vote, people must be an EHN member by 11.59pm on Sunday 2 September. People can become a member, or check if they already are, by filling in this quick form.

When the results will be announced
EHN members who are successfully elected to the Hub Organising Groups will be notified on Tuesday 11 September. This will allow the newly elected Hub Representatives to be in place in time for the next EHN Board meeting.

The results of the election and priorities consultation will be posted on the EHN website on Thursday 13 September.


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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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