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DPTAC warned staff-less trains and stations 'toxic' for disabled people

The rail union RMT reports on recently released government documents which show that the government’s own advisors warned of the adverse impact driver only trains will have on disabled and older people.

In a letter released under Freedom of Information to the Association of British Commuters the Chair of the government’s own Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee issued a clear warning to the Department for Transport:

“We question how older and disabled people, and particularly those who suffer from acute anxiety and mental health issues, can travel when there are effectively no customer service staff on the train or on the station. On this point we know that the toxic combination of driver-only operated trains and unstaffed stations fails to deliver a service that meets the needs of many disabled passengers. As a result DPTAC is seeking a guarantee that such policies cannot undermine the fundamental principle of accessibility – which would in any event be illegal.”

Yet despite this warning being issued over two years ago in April 2016, the government and train companies have continued with their policy of seeking to expand driver only trains, including on South Western where 70% of stations are unstaffed.

The warning from the government’s own disability advisors follows similar concerns contained in other leaked documents from the Rail Companies Rail Delivery Group and Railway Safety Standards Board that driver only trains will have an adverse impact on disabled passengers.

The Train Operators Railway Safety Standards Board said “Under Driver Only Operation passengers would face greater requirements to book in advance, possibly facing additional travel restrictions, which would represent a move away from the current goal of making the railway more accessible for all.”

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“These documents obtained under Freedom of Information show that the government’s own advisors warned over two years ago that driver only trains are toxic for disabled and older passengers.”

“And with news of more fare hikes to be announced next month the stark warning from Chris Grayling is not to be poor, old or disabled if you want to travel on his railway.”




  • patricia lintott:

    08 Oct 2018 11:09:59

    To stop iserty for hundreds of people who cannot acces hospitals for essential surgery due to strikes why not have legislation on health and safety grounds that ALL trains MUST carry a guard. End of dispute. Also why not set up petition to Parliament on issue.

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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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