Have your say on plans to bring all bus routes and fares under the control of the South Yorkshire Mayor. The consultation is the perfect opportunity to share what would make public transport more accessible if all services and vehicle standards were set by a single public body.
Now that an Easy Read version of the Bus Reform consultation is available, we want to promote this important chance to share your views on public control of the bus network, including routes, fares, vehicle standards, quality, and training. You will need to decide if you support changes to allow the South Yorkshire Mayor to take control of the bus system.
We recommend you look at the Easy Read document first.
For more detailed information and to give your views in a short or long survey click on the SYMCA website .
You can also Help Sheffield Transport 4 All to give a clear picture of accessibility improvements in their formal response, by sending your thoughts to sheffieldt4a@james-martin.org.uk .
James Martin Chair of Sheffield Transport 4 All says :
“As long as the mayoral authority captures higher accessibility standards in contracts and monitors them this should make for a more reliable and accessible service for disabled people. We urge all disabled people to both respond to the main consultation survey and send us an email with any key accessibility thoughts to make the most of this opportunity.”